The Emigrant’s Bird.
“ These vessels carry out houses and every necessary
requisite for domestic comfort on landing ; and, singular as
it may seem, every variety of English singing-bird, which,
on landing, the colonists will release, in order that they
may propagate.”
requisite for domestic comfort on landing ; and, singular as
it may seem, every variety of English singing-bird, which,
on landing, the colonists will release, in order that they
may propagate.”

To distant lands across the sea1
I go, a happier lot to seek,2
And tho’ not one will mourn for me,3
The tears are welling down my cheek !4
For wife and children sleep beneath5
The shadow of yon aged yew,6
And I but seem forestalling death7
In bidding all I loved adieu !8
This house, tho’ only wood and stone,9
Has language in each time-worn wall ;10
For, as I turn and would be gone,11
Loved spirit-voices on me call !12
I linger in the deepening gloom,13
Half hoping with the dead to meet ;14
To hear in some now vacant room15
The music of my children’s feet.16
I cannot leave all home behind,17
My heart—my heart would surely break !18
Therefore, sweet birds, tho’ now confined,19
’Tis love that doth thy prison make :20
When waves around us cease to foam,21
Your captor’s hand shall set you free ;22
And you shall sing to me of home,23
In the far land across the sea.24