Human Brotherhood.

The monarch, glitt’ring with the pomp of state,1
Wears the same flesh as those that die of hunger ;2
Like them, the worm shall be his loathsome mate,3
When he resigns his glory to a younger.4
The beauty, worshipp’d by the limner’s eye,5
On whom a hundred suitors gaze admiring,6
Is sister to the hag, deformed, awry,7
Who gathers in the road her scanty firing.8
The scholar, glorying in the stamp of Mind,9
Master of all the wisdom Time has hoarded,10
Is brother to the lumpish, untaught hind,11
Whose Vulgar name will perish unrecorded.12
Therefore let human sympathies be strong,13
Let each man share his welfare with his neighbour ;14
To the whole race Heaven’s bounteous gifts belong,15
None may live idly whilst his fellows labour.16