The Last Look.

When doom’d by distress through the world’s
As pilgrims and strangers in sorrow to roam ;2
How fondly the spirit from distance flies back3
In the last lingering look that we turn on sweet home.4
Though its lustre through tear-drops is destined to gleam,5
When the heart to the eye its deep tenderness sends ;6
Yet cold would the lips’ warmest eloquence seem7
To the language that speaks in the last look of friends.8
And oh! when condemn’d in distraction to sever,9
What anguish can equal the pangs which they
Who meet in an hour when they’re parting for ever11
In all its wild fondness the last look of love!12
Long, long its expression sad fancy shall treasure,13
And the soul, as it glances o’er memory’s book,14
Shall recall, midst the whirl of ambition or pleasure,15
The tender reflection of love’s parting look.16
When life to its final departure advances,17
And all must be left for the grave’s deep repose ;18
Oh! who can forget the last farewell that glances19
On objects beloved from the eyes ere they close?20
How often, when fame has recorded the story21
Of deathless renown, have fond bosoms been rent22
By the thought, though the hero expired in his glory,23
His last envied look on a stranger was bent?24