A cityscape of Venice with the Doge’s Palace at its centre. There is a view of the
canal and a focus on architectural details.
Figures gather in groups along the street. Two figures work on gondolas in the water.
Three figures sit on the ground in the
centre-foreground. Statues on ornate pillars feature prominently in the background.
Full-page illustration.
The Nuptials of the Doge of Venice
with the Adriatic Sea.

Thou blue and buoyant wave,1
That lav’st my ducal tower,2
Whom nature to me gave3
For pastime and for power,4
I ride upon thy foam,5
I revel by thy side,6
I claim thee as my home,7
I woo thee for my bride.8
Lord of the glitt’ring town,9
The vineyard and the lea,10
The mountain and the down,11
What would’st thou on the sea ?12
Thy mandates cannot sway13
My waters as they roll ;14
My wild waves in their play,15
Will spurn at thy control.16
The portion of my hand17
No monarch ever bore,18
A gift from ev’ry land,19
A spoil from ev’ry shore ;20
Lo ! Venice is thine own,21
Her beauty and her might,22
The lions of her throne,23
The bowers of her delight—24

Her massive domes and halls,25
Her pillar’d corridors,26
Her painting-cover’d walls,27
Her marble- chequer’d floors ;28
The portico and shrine,29
The arsenal and quay,30
Fair daughter of the brine,31
I give them all to thee.32
I bathe Gargano’s steep,33
Otranto’s castled tower,34
Ravenna’s mould’ring keep,35
Ancona’s Doric bower ;36
But, Venice, on my strand37
I see not aught like thee ;38
Then, first upon the land,39
Be first upon the sea.40
Ev’ry gem of the wave41
Shall deck the spouse I wed,42
Of my pearl-lighted cave,43
My coral-pillow’d bed ;44
All precious things that grow45
Beneath the amber shower,46
A thousand fathom low,47
Shall be the sea-maid’s dower.48
I pledge to thee my vow,49
Long as my ruling star50
Binds commerce to my prow,51
And conquest to my car :52

Each accurs’d Moslem slave53
From thy waters shall flee ;54
None may tread on thy wave,55
But the Faithful and Free.56
Thy fleets, where’er they sail,57
For glory or for gain,58
Through sunshine and through gale,59
I’ll speed across the main ;60
The thunder of my deep61
Shall rescue thee from harm,62
I’ll shed, too, round thy sleep63
The music of my calm.64
Uplift the streamer bright,65
Upraise the golden spear,66
Each armour-girded knight,67
Each gay-clad gondolier ;68
A thousand voices sing,69
As in thine azure tide70
I drop the mystic ring,71
My Adriatic bride.72
Strike your ocean-tun’d shell,73
Sister-choirs of the deep,74
In your emerald cell75
Lofty festival keep :76
Chief of the countless gold !77
Chief of the fearless sword !78
The nuptial rite is told,79
I take thee for my lord.80