A woman dressed in white appears to be fainting and is supported by two men. One man
holds her left hand
and the other catches her as she falls. Two guards watch to the right of the page
and another woman moves towards the fainting woman
from the left of the page. The figures are in a semi-enclosed balcony space with a
view of buildings beyond the railing. Full-page
Marino Faliero
Taking a Last Farewell of Angiolina (His Duchess.)

“ Farewell, my Beautiful ! condemn me not
If the foul wrong the slanderer heap’d on thee—2
Forgiven by thy calm purity—forgot—3
If the vile Steno’s insult madden’d me ;—4
How unavenged could Zara’s conqueror die ?5
He, who for Venice shed his blood to save,6
Hear the hoarse murmur ! the patricians’ cry,7
‘ The warrior prince must fill a traitor’s grave !’8
“ But thou, sweet Angiolina ! gentle wife !9
Though bitter thus to leave thee, and alone
In the cold world—the blossom of thy life
Is in its summer yet—and when I’m gone,12
When the stern memories of my fated lot13
Shall fade away in the dim mist of years,14
Perchance thy weary step may reach some spot
Untainted by the haunting trace of tears !16
“ Dost thou remember when the Bucentaur
Through the blue Adriatic clave its way,18
While shouts, and song, and greetings from the shore
Hail’d with acclaim Marino’s festal day ?20
Sudden a thick and murky darkness shrouded
Our gallant bark, and the haze-mantled land,22
The brilliant sky was in a moment clouded,23
And misty vapours hid th’ expectant strand.24

“ My fate was shadowed forth in omens dark—25
Ev’n in mine hour of glory there was gloom !26
It was between the columns of St. Mark
(The spot where evil-doers meet their doom)28
That Venice saw Faliero’s footstep leave
On her loved soil, its first -and fatal trace,30
When pouring forth in gladness to receive
The Victor Doge—the chosen of her race.32
“ And he, the hero of full many a field,33
Whose skill and courage battled with despair,34
Who taught the Saracen and Hun to yield,35
They wait for him upon the Giant’s-stair !—36
Not as in olden time, with pomp to set
The Ducal Crown upon his hoary head—38
Here let it rest !— this mocking coronet
A few brief moments more its lustre shed !40
“ Ere they shall lift it from the traitor’s brow,41
The prince-conspirator, who dared to seek
His just revenge for calumnies so low !—43
My heart would burst did I essay to speak.44
—Thou ’st loved me, Angiolina ! though thy youth
Was haply ill-assorted with thy lord’s ;46
Yet, in thy veerless virtues, in thy truth,47
I found a jewel priceless beyond words.48
“ The air blows freshly through the orange-trees,49
Our clime’s bright noontide sheds its purest ray,50
And o’er the azure waves the healthful breeze
‘Curls the Lagune’s deep waters, as in play !52
But hark !— they swarm around my palace-gates !53
Yon gazing multitude—one breathing flood !—54
The victim is prepared—the scaffold waits !—55
Nature is calm, while man’s athirst for blood.56

“ The headsman’s axe is sharp, but sharper still
This parting pang, sweet love !— I dread not death !58
But shuddering fears my anxious bosom fill
For thee !— no rose is on thy cheek, no breath !—60
Alas! must I be thankful that I grasp
In my fond arms but pale unconscious clay ?62
For the last time her small white hand I clasp—63
The hour is come—I must be firm— Away !64
“ Support ! but wake her not !— this death-like swoon
Is surely sent in Heaven’s mercy now—66
O God! that I should hail it as a boon
To gaze my last upon that pallid brow !68
And bless the marble-whiteness stealing o’er
Those lovely features, reft of life and bloom,70
The lips whose accents I shall hear no more
Until we meet—my own !— beyond the tomb !”72
One wild and passionate embrace—’tis o’er !—73
The fatal summons comes, the hollow sound
Of armed feet approaching to the door—75
His guards in silent pomp the Doge surround.76
Erect—majestic—he goes forth in state—77
A sovereign to the last, in regal pride78
His madness and his crime to expiate—79
And thus the Noble and the Aged died!80