An Enigma.
Addressed to the Ladies.

We are in kindred many—far and wide1
In country banks full richly do we share ; 2
Though funds to us are nothing, yet the pride3
Of field and valley ever is our care. 4
Let others boldly boast them to be bless’d
With all that sounds full sweetly in the ear, 6
All silently within the shade we’ll rest,7
For solitude to us is ever dear.8
Humbly beneath the soft green grass we grow, 9
And as our evening thankfulness is given, 10
The tears that from our eyelids gently flow, 11
A winged messenger bears up to Heaven. 12
Yes, when the lark has nestled near at night, 13
From us the dewdrop tenderly beguiled, 14
Pure as it came from Heaven—sweet and bright
We send to God, fit greeting from his child— 16
While the meek messenger that upward flies17
Sings as she breasts the tribute to the skies.18

Such is our love—so humble—so content— 19
As such we lay it, Ladies, at your feet ; 20
Our homage from the root of life is sent, 21
And as you prize it, so shall it be sweet. 22
Not in the eyes alone our favour rests— 23
No—you may bind us better to your breasts— 24
There let our colours—purple, white, and blue,25
Prove that in death we sweetly sigh for you.26