The Mosque of St. Sophia.
Sophia’s day-bright domes have proudly gleamed
Upon my startled sight—a temple fair !—2
Religion, like the sun-struck Persian there,3
Seems as a lover of the light !— ne’er streamed
A richer ray than that which then full beamed
O’er the great Mosque’s brave roofs—one golden glare !6
They seemed a pomp of regal state to wear.7
Part of that very sun himself they seemed !—8
Yet when those glittering splendours shrank from sight
In evening’s shadows—and the Muezzin’s call
Rose from her minarets, with mysterious might,11
At once my spirit owned a heavenlier thrall,12
Till my sense shuddered, picturing her more bright !—13
More than the Sun—the Soul, can bless and brighten all!14