Words of Love.
From the German of Körner.

Words, words of love ! ye murmur sweetly as1
The zephyr-winds through Paradise that move ;2
Ye ring upon my heart afar and near,3
And fearlessly I trust ye, words of love !4
Stern Time may cast dark shadows o’er my path,5
Yet still in ye I will retain my faith.6
What though the spring of life may quickly vanish,7
The blest belief doth still unaltered stand ;8
It liveth on—though here all else doth perish—9
Like ray of light sent from the better land.10
Creation even from its boundaries may11
Step, ere our faith in love can pass away !12
Therefore, sweet words of love ! ye murmur as13
The zephyr-winds through Paradise that sing,—14
Therefore I trust ye with a fearless faith,15
And far and near upon my heart ye ring ;16
And though all other sacred things should move17
From earth, I’ll hold my strong belief in love.18