I sat within my glad home, and round
about me played1
about me played1
Four children in their merriment, and
happy noises made ;2
happy noises made ;2
Beside me state their mother in her love-
liness and light,3
liness and light,3
I ne’er saw any like her, save in some
vision bright.4
vision bright.4
It was in life’s young morning that our
hearts together grew,5
hearts together grew,5
Beneath its sparkling sunlight, and in its
steeping dew ;6
steeping dew ;6
And the sorrows and the joys of a twelve-
years’ changeful life7
years’ changeful life7
Had drawn more closely to me my own,
my blessed wife8
my blessed wife8

Then at our door One knocked, and we rose
to let Him in,9
to let Him in,9
For the night was wild and stormy, and to
turn Him thence were sin :10
turn Him thence were sin :10
With a “ Peace be to this household,” His
shelters He blest,11
shelters He blest,11
And sat Him down amongst us like some
expected guest.12
expected guest.12
The children’s noise was hushed, the
mother softly spoke,13
mother softly spoke,13
And my inmost spirit thrilled with the
thoughts which in me woke ;14
thoughts which in me woke ;14
For it seemed like other days within my
memory stored,15
memory stored,15
Like Mamre’s tented plain, or Emmaus’
evening board.16
evening board.16
His form was veiled from us, His mantle
was not raised,17
was not raised,17
But we felt that eyes of tenderness and
love upon us gazed :18
love upon us gazed :18
His lips we saw not moving, but a deep
and inward tone19
and inward tone19
Spake like Thunder’s distant voices unto
each of us alone :—20
each of us alone :—20
“ Full often ye have called Me, and bid Me
to your home,21
to your home,21
And I have listened to your words, and at
your prayers am come,22
your prayers am come,22
And now My voice is strange to you, and
‘ Wherefore art Thou here ?’23
‘ Wherefore art Thou here ?’23
Your throbbing hearts are asking, with
struggling hope and fear.24
struggling hope and fear.24
“ It was My Love which shielded your
helpless infant days,25
helpless infant days,25
It was My Care which guided you through all
life’s dangerous ways.26
life’s dangerous ways.26
I joined your hearts together, I blessed
your marriage vow,27
your marriage vow,27
Then trust and be not fearful, though My
ways seem bitter now.”28
ways seem bitter now.”28
We spake no word of answer, nor said
He any more,29
He any more,29
But as one about to leave us, He passèd
to the door,30
to the door,30
Then ere He crossed the threshold He
beckoned with His hand31
beckoned with His hand31
That she who sat beside me should come
at His command.32
at His command.32
Then rose that wife and mother and went
into the night,33
into the night,33
She followed at His bidding, and was
hidden from our sight :34
hidden from our sight :34
And though my heart was breaking, I
strove my will to bow,35
strove my will to bow,35
For I saw His hands were pierced, and
thorns had torn His brow.36
thorns had torn His brow.36