
Shall you not love me, sweet,1
With rich soft hair and fair,2
As we sit with the sands at our feet,3
And breathe the glad salt air ?4
You look in my face and laugh,5
With your little light laugh and sweet ;6
Ah ! you smile for the worthless chaff7
When you have stolen the wheat.8
You smile for our old young days,9
And cry, with a laugh, “ Forget.”10
Forget you our love’s delays11
With my kiss on your cheek still wet ?12
Shall your heart not utter a sigh,13
Nor the blood thereof quicken its pace ?14
’Tis hard as the glance of your eye,15
And cold as your marble face.16
Yet bend low your head, sweet fair,17
Let me kiss the small veins and blue,18
Let my hot lips burn thine eyes and hair,19
As they bid for ever “ Adieu.”20