Decorative initial letter “H” from the word “He”. The letter is contained within a
square and is superimposed over a vegetal

He wandered with her in the wood,1
He sat beside her in her bow’r,2
And yet she did not deem it good,3
To shorten his suspense one hour !4
She met him still with smiling brow,5
But ’twas the same day after day,6
In spite of prayer and of vow7
My first was all that she would say !8
He mourn’d the day that he was born,9
And called on all the stars above10
To prove : how Earth was quite forlorn,11
And Life was nought without her love !12
He vow’d he could no longer live13
When hope of winning her should cease—14
That if her heart she could not give15
My second he must slay for peace !16
But smiling on him kneeling there,17
If he my second slew, she said,18
She’d grant no other suitors pray’r,19
And only with my whole would wed !20
Then o’er her hand his lips he bent,21
And said, if so the fates control,22
To part from her he’d be content,23
If only parted by my whole !24
Stylized plant with bell-shaped flowers centred beneath poem.