Decorative initial letter “W” from the word “Whene’er”. The letter is contained within
a square and is superimposed over a
vegetal pattern.

Whene’er I read in old Romancers’ pages1
How gentle knights for ladies fought of yore—2
Of what strange power then was held by sages,3
Their strong enchantments, and their wondrous lore,4
How mighty giants frightened all the land,5
How charm-protected pigmies vanquished them,6
How spells beset the knight on every hand,7
Which only could be broke by magic gem,8
Then do I wish for such adventures now ;9
Or for some charms, such as in those times were ;10
Or for some sage who could instruct me how11
To win the love of my sweet ladie fair ;12
Or, if her love was lost, to set me free13
From the enchantment she has flung o’er me.14