Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
He (label h):
Hymn of the Present
History (label b):
Garibaldi’s Retirement
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Poet
Sea (label a):
The Poet
Thee (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label a):
The Poet
be (label a):
The Poet
be (label d):
The Regatta
be (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
eternity (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label d):
free (label d):
The Regatta
free (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
free (label z):
Stanzas on Shelley
glee (label d):
The Regatta
glee (label o):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
jollity (label d):
The Regatta
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Poet
me (label a):
The Poet
royalty (label b):
Garibaldi’s Retirement
tardily (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
thee (label b):
Garibaldi’s Retirement
thee (label s):
A Night Watch
thee (label s):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
we (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Gallery (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
Me (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label a):
The Drunken Sea
Sea (label d):
The Regatta
Sea (label d):
The Regatta
Thee (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
agony (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
agree (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label a):
The Drunken Sea
be (label d):
The Regatta
be (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
be (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
be (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
be (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
be (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
be (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
captivity (label s):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
carelessly (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
eternity (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
flee (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label a):
The Drunken Sea
free (label d):
free (label d):
The Regatta
glee (label d):
The Regatta
invisibly (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
jollity (label d):
The Regatta
joyously (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
lie (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label a):
The Drunken Sea
me (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
me (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
me (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
radiancy (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
sea (label d):
sea (label s):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
see (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
see (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
see (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
see (label o):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
thee (label e):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
thee (label j):
Ariadne at Naxos
thee (label s):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
thee (label s):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
tree (label o):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
tree (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
unavailingly (label p):
Pictures in the Fire
victory (label p):
Pictures in the Fire