Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
May (label a):
Dante and Beatrice. 1st May 1274
day (label l):
Horrible Stanzas
prey (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
stray (label a):
Dante and Beatrice. 1st May 1274
unsay (label o):
Tasso to Eleonora: A Canzonet and Sonnet
way (label a):
Dante and Beatrice. 1st May 1274
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
alway (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
day (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
day (label l):
Horrible Stanzas
grey (label l):
Horrible Stanzas
pray (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
slay (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
stay (label d):
A Tale of the Tower
sway (label d):
A Tale of the Tower