Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Down (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
alone (label b):
The London Necropolis Woking
brown (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
clown (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
down (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
down (label l):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
flown (label e):
To a Sleeping Infant
flown (label i1):
Sir Eliduc. A Lay of Marie
gown (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
grown (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
grown (label e):
To a Sleeping Infant
grown (label k):
Poor Margaret
known (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
known (label j):
The Old Home
moan (label b):
own (label b):
Dolly’s Garden
own (label c):
Lament of the Genii, A Fragment, Written upon the occasion of Lady E– leaving the sea coast for the metropolis
own (label d):
The Exile’s Wife to Her Sleeping Child
own (label f):
The Song of Songs
own (label i):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
sown (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
sown (label b):
Dolly’s Garden
stone (label q):
The Camera-Obscura. A Sunday Morning Lecture
thrown (label i):
The Vision
tone (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
town (label b):
A Morning Meeting. Villanelle
unknown (label b):
The London Necropolis Woking
zone (label k):
The Reveille
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
King (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
Throne (label b):
Dolly’s Garden
alone (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
alone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
alone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
alone (label b):
Dolly’s Garden
alone (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
drone (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
fling (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
flown (label d):
The Exile’s Wife to Her Sleeping Child
gone (label j):
The Old Home
groan (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
grown (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
king (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
known (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
none (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
none (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
overgrown (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
own (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
own (label b):
Dolly’s Garden
own (label d):
The Exile’s Wife to Her Sleeping Child
own (label j):
The Old Home
prone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
ring (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
shone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
shown (label c):
Lament of the Genii, A Fragment, Written upon the occasion of Lady E– leaving the sea coast for the metropolis
standson (label w):
The Raid of the Kers
stone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
stone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
strown (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
throne (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
tone (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
tone (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
tone (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
unknown (label a):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
unknown (label a1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
zone (label c):
Lament of the Genii, A Fragment, Written upon the occasion of Lady E– leaving the sea coast for the metropolis