Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Araby (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
Calvary (label d1):
Lines Suggested by the Greek Massacre
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
Eternity (label l):
The Death of the Old Year. Written in Neville’s Court, Trinity College, Cambridge, at Midnight, December 31, 1838
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label c):
A Prisoner of Hope
I (label d):
The Necromancy of the Past
I (label d):
XXVII. “I stood amid the Pitti’s gilded halls”
I (label l):
I (label l):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
I (label m):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
I (label m1):
The Grandmother’s Apology
I (label n):
A Query
I (label p):
Stella Maris
I (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
I (label u):
The Wishes of A Dumb-Waiter
I (label v):
She and I
I (label y):
From Home to Home
Pye (label b):
adversity (label q):
Ariadne at Naxos
ally (label d):
The Volunteers’ Song
aye (label e):
butchery (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
butterfly (label f):
III.—A Summer Morning
charity (label b):
chastity (label b):
cry (label b):
cry (label c):
cry (label c):
The Recollections of the People
cry (label d):
The Return of the Firefly
cry (label d):
The Slave-Ship
cry (label l):
The Old Home
cry (label n):
The Stolen Dance
cry (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
cry (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
cry (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
defy (label i):
die (label a):
The Death of King John
die (label a1):
die (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
die (label b):
Don Raymon of Butrago
die (label b):
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label b):
Stanzas, On Reading an Account of the Re-Interment of King Robert Bruce
die (label b):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
die (label c):
Ascent of the Spirit
die (label c):
Ascent of the Spirit
die (label c1):
At Sea. 1880
die (label d):
A Maiden’s Message
die (label d):
The Poet
die (label d):
die (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
die (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
die (label h):
A Summer Day
die (label h):
die (label i):
Brecon Bridge
die (label j):
To a Bunch of Lilac
die (label j):
“After Many Days”
die (label l):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
die (label m):
Last Words
die (label m):
The Private of the Buffs
die (label q):
Ariadne at Naxos
die (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
drearily (label a):
Seedtime and Harvest
droopingly (label j1):
Walter and William
dry (label c):
Ascent of the Spirit
dry (label e):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
dry (label g):
dry (label h):
The Faithful City
dye (label c):
The Quaker’s Lament
enginry (label b):
Book III. Ode 26
eye (label a):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
eye (label a):
eye (label b):
Mr. Bull’s Song. The Sly Little Man
eye (label b):
The Poet
eye (label c):
A Legend of Carlisle: The Scottish Gate
eye (label c):
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label d):
The Beggar’s Dog
eye (label d):
The Three Monks
eye (label f):
Lines by Robert Southey. [From an Unpublished Autograph]
eye (label g):
eye (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
eye (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
eye (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
eye (label h):
Folded Hands
eye (label h):
The Complaints of the Poor
eye (label h):
The Dissipated Husband
eye (label i):
The Childless
eye (label i):
The Cowslip
eye (label j):
A Stolen Visit
eye (label j1):
Walter and William
eye (label k):
The Toad
eye (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
eye (label n):
A Guernsey Tradition
eye (label n1):
The Dark Waggon
eye (label p):
The Voice of Home to the Prodigal
eye (label q):
Hymn VII
eye (label q):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
eye (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
eye (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
eye (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
eye (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
flattery (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
fly (label c):
A Woman’s Soul
fly (label g):
fly (label g):
fly (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
fly (label h):
No II. The Woodland Glen
fly (label i):
The Broken Violin
fly (label i):
The Hour of Thought
fly (label l):
fly (label l):
fly (label m):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
fly (label v):
View From the Wood
fly (label x):
Questions from the Loom
glorify (label y):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
heavily (label a):
Master Olaf. (From the German)
hereby (label l):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
high (label a):
Married Lovers
high (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
high (label b):
Stanzas, On Reading an Account of the Re-Interment of King Robert Bruce
high (label b):
The Poet
high (label d):
To a Lady: On her Planting Ivy Round a Ruined Church
high (label e):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
high (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
high (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
high (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
high (label h):
A Martyr’s Victory
high (label h):
An Old Tune
high (label h):
Child Daniel
high (label h):
The Sirens
high (label k):
high (label k):
The Toad
high (label o):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
high (label q):
Ariadne at Naxos
high (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
high (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
high (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
high (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
hostelry (label l):
infinity (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
liberty (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
lie (label a):
In a Country Churchyard
lie (label a):
Seedtime and Harvest
lie (label a):
lie (label a):
Under a Railway Arch
lie (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
lie (label c):
lie (label c):
lie (label d):
The Slave-Ship
lie (label e):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
lie (label f):
Sonnet 73
lie (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
lie (label h):
Child Daniel
lie (label h):
The Knight’s Grave
lie (label h1):
The Vision of the Isles of Immortality and Death
lie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
lie (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
lie (label p):
A Village Tale
lie (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
lie (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
lie (label v1):
My Maid Marian
melody (label d):
The Three Monks
memory (label j):
The Unfinished Poem
nigh (label a):
nigh (label a):
The Bier-Path
nigh (label c):
II. “Beneath an ancient elm-tree’s broadest shade”
nigh (label i):
nigh (label i):
nigh (label l):
The Bramin Angel. An Oriental Tale
nigh (label m):
A Valentine
nigh (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
nigh (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
patiently (label p):
A Missed Summer
reply (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
reply (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
reply (label l):
rye (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
rye (label j):
The Golden Age
scornfully (label i):
shy (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
sigh (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
sigh (label b):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
sigh (label c):
A Woman’s Soul
sigh (label g):
sigh (label g2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
sigh (label i):
All’s Well
sigh (label k):
The Stream that Hurries By. An Unpublished Poem by the Author of “The Collegians”
sigh (label l):
May Ditty
sigh (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sigh (label m):
Field Flowers
sigh (label m):
No V. The Cypress Tree
sigh (label o):
On looking On The Sea. Written Abroad
sigh (label s):
Spike Island. A Legend
sigh (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
sigh (label v):
She and I
sigh (label y):
A Sea-Side Reverie
silently (label d):
The Singer
sky (label a):
sky (label a):
sky (label a):
No VIII. The Clouds frown dark
sky (label a):
Seedtime and Harvest
sky (label a):
The River
sky (label a):
“The Children Laughed and Sang”
sky (label b):
sky (label b):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
sky (label b):
The Poet
sky (label c):
A Lay of London Streets
sky (label c):
Earth’s Shadow
sky (label c):
II. “Beneath an ancient elm-tree’s broadest shade”
sky (label c):
sky (label c):
Lament of the River
sky (label c):
The Ruined City
sky (label c1):
Homeward Bound
sky (label d):
A Maiden’s Message
sky (label d):
Building Castles
sky (label d):
Horrible Stanzas
sky (label d):
Poetical Portraits
sky (label d):
The Gladness of Nature
sky (label d):
The Three Monks
sky (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
sky (label h):
Child Daniel
sky (label h):
Classic Ground
sky (label h):
Robert Burns
sky (label h):
The Outcast Mother
sky (label h):
The Sirens
sky (label h1):
All the Year Round
sky (label i):
Down the River
sky (label i):
The Hour of Thought
sky (label i):
The Soul’s Oratorio
sky (label j):
sky (label j):
sky (label j):
The Lady of Provence
sky (label j):
“After Many Days”
sky (label k):
The Toad
sky (label l):
sky (label l):
sky (label l):
The Sun of My Songs
sky (label n):
Until the Day dawn
sky (label o):
The Border Land
sky (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
sky (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
sky (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
sky (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
sky (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
sky (label s):
Household Christmas Carols
sky (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
sky (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
sky (label v):
View From the Wood
sky (label x):
Questions from the Loom
smilingly (label i):
suddenly (label c):
Orpheus and Eurydice
thigh (label l):
tie (label h):
At My Looking-Glass
try (label d):
The Three Monks
try (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
try (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
victory (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
wearily (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
why (label b):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
why (label f):
Love and Time
worthily (label d):
The Three Monks
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Aye (label m):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
Crucify (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
He and I
I (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
I (label b):
I (label c):
The Recollections of the People
I (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
I (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
I (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
I (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
I (label i):
Down the River
I (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
I (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
I (label o):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
I (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
I (label p):
Stella Maris
Infamy (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
Liberty (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
Mortality (label h1):
The Vision of the Isles of Immortality and Death
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Pye (label b):
Sinai (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
Sinai (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
Victory (label h):
Classic Ground
agony (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
agony (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
agony (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
apology (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
aridity (label m):
Field Flowers
audibly (label j1):
Walter and William
awry (label m):
Field Flowers
beseechingly (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
butterfly (label b):
butterfly (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
butterfly (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
buy (label n):
A Guernsey Tradition
by (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
by (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
He and I
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
by (label c):
by (label c):
by (label d):
Poetical Portraits
by (label d):
Poetical Portraits
by (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
by (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
by (label i):
by (label i):
by (label i):
The Hour of Thought
by (label i):
The Hour of Thought
by (label l):
by (label l):
by (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
by (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
by (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
by (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
by (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
by (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
by (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
by (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
by (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
by (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
by (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
by (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
bye (label j1):
Walter and William
canopy (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
charity (label b):
chastity (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
chivalry (label j):
The Lady of Provence
colloquy (label j1):
Walter and William
cry (label b):
Don Raymon of Butrago
cry (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
cry (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
cry (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
cry (label b):
cry (label c):
cry (label c):
The Recollections of the People
cry (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
cry (label h):
Classic Ground
cry (label h1):
The Vision of the Isles of Immortality and Death
cry (label i):
All’s Well
cry (label i):
Brecon Bridge
cry (label i):
Down the River
cry (label i):
The Broken Violin
cry (label j):
The Lady of Provence
cry (label n):
A Guernsey Tradition
cry (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
cry (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
cry (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
cry (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
cry (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
cry (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
cry (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
cry (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
day (label c):
deathfully (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
deformity (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
defy (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
deny (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
descry (label j1):
Walter and William
descry (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
descry (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
descry (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
die (label a):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
die (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
die (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
die (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
die (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
die (label b):
Don Raymon of Butrago
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
die (label d):
die (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
die (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
die (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
die (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
die (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
die (label h):
The Outcast Mother
die (label i):
Down the River
die (label i):
The Soul’s Oratorio
die (label i):
The Soul’s Oratorio
die (label j1):
Walter and William
die (label l):
die (label l):
die (label l):
The Bramin Angel. An Oriental Tale
die (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
die (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
die (label m):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
die (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
die (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
die (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
die (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
die (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
die (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
die (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
die (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
die (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
die (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
die (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
dreamily (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
drearily (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
dry (label c):
The Recollections of the People
dry (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
dye (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
dye (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
dye (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
dye (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
eternity (label d):
eternity (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
eternity (label y):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
expectancy (label j1):
Walter and William
extremity (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
extremity (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
eye (label a):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
eye (label a):
eye (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
eye (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
eye (label b):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
eye (label b):
eye (label b):
eye (label b):
eye (label c):
The Quaker’s Lament
eye (label c):
The Recollections of the People
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label d):
Poetical Portraits
eye (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
eye (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
eye (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
eye (label g2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
eye (label i):
All’s Well
eye (label i):
All’s Well
eye (label i):
All’s Well
eye (label i):
The Soul’s Oratorio
eye (label j):
The Lady of Provence
eye (label j):
The Lady of Provence
eye (label j):
The Lady of Provence
eye (label j1):
Walter and William
eye (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
eye (label l):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
eye (label l):
The Bramin Angel. An Oriental Tale
eye (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
eye (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
eye (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
eye (label m):
Field Flowers
eye (label m):
Field Flowers
eye (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
eye (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
eye (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
eye (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
eye (label o):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
eye (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
eye (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
eye (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
eye (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
eye (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
eye (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
eye (label y):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
fly (label b):
Don Raymon of Butrago
fly (label e):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
fly (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
fly (label i):
Down the River
fly (label i):
The Hour of Thought
fly (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
fly (label l):
fly (label l):
fly (label l):
fly (label l):
fly (label l):
The Bramin Angel. An Oriental Tale
fly (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
fly (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
fly (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
fly (label q):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
fly (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
fly (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
fly (label y):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
gaily (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
gaily (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
gloriously (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
granary (label j1):
Walter and William
heavily (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
hie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
hie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
high (label a):
Married Lovers
high (label a):
high (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
high (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
high (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
high (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
high (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
high (label b):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
high (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
high (label b):
high (label b):
high (label d):
Poetical Portraits
high (label d):
Poetical Portraits
high (label g):
high (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
high (label g2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
high (label h):
The Outcast Mother
high (label i):
Down the River
high (label i):
The Soul’s Oratorio
high (label j):
The Lady of Provence
high (label j):
The Lady of Provence
high (label j1):
Walter and William
high (label j1):
Walter and William
high (label j1):
Walter and William
high (label n):
A Guernsey Tradition
high (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
high (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
high (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
high (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
high (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
high (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
high (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
high (label y):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
hostelry (label l):
immensity (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
impatiently (label a):
Master Olaf. (From the German)
infinity (label p):
Stella Maris
insanity (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
ivory (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
ivory (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
lie (label a):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
lie (label a):
The Death of King John
lie (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
lie (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
lie (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
lie (label a):
Under a Railway Arch
lie (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
lie (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
lie (label b):
lie (label c):
lie (label c):
The Quaker’s Lament
lie (label d):
Poetical Portraits
lie (label d):
Poetical Portraits
lie (label d):
Poetical Portraits
lie (label d):
Poetical Portraits
lie (label i):
All’s Well
lie (label i):
All’s Well
lie (label j):
The Lady of Provence
lie (label j1):
Walter and William
lie (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
lie (label l):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
lie (label l):
lie (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
lie (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
lie (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
lie (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
lie (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
lie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
lie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
lie (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
lie (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
lie (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
lie (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
lie (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
lie (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
lie (label r):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
lullaby (label h):
The Outcast Mother
lullaby (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
majesty (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
majesty (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
melody (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
memory (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
memory (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
misery (label m):
Field Flowers
misery (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
mockery (label i):
The Broken Violin
mockery (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
mockery (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
mournfully (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
mournfully (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
nigh (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
nigh (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
nigh (label b):
Don Raymon of Butrago
nigh (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
nigh (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
nigh (label g):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
nigh (label h):
The Outcast Mother
nigh (label i):
nigh (label i):
nigh (label j):
The Lady of Provence
nigh (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
nigh (label m):
Field Flowers
nigh (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
nigh (label p):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
nigh (label q):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
nigh (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
nigh (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
nigh (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
nigh (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
perpetually (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
piety (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
ply (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
ply (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
purity (label b):
ray (label a):
The Death of King John
reluctantly (label i):
All’s Well
reply (label l):
reply (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
reply (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
reply (label n):
Until the Day dawn
reply (label o):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
royalty (label j):
The Lady of Provence
rye (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
scornfully (label i):
sigh (label a):
Married Lovers
sigh (label a3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
sigh (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
sigh (label b):
sigh (label j1):
Walter and William
sigh (label l):
sigh (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sigh (label n):
A Guernsey Tradition
sigh (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
silently (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
silently (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
sky (label a):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
sky (label a):
sky (label a):
sky (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
sky (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
sky (label a):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
sky (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
sky (label b):
I.—A Winter Song
sky (label b):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
sky (label b):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
sky (label b):
sky (label c):
The Quaker’s Lament
sky (label c):
sky (label d):
Poetical Portraits
sky (label d):
Poetical Portraits
sky (label d):
Poetical Portraits
sky (label e):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
sky (label g):
sky (label g):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
sky (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
sky (label g):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
sky (label i):
Brecon Bridge
sky (label i):
Down the River
sky (label i):
The Hour of Thought
sky (label j):
The Lady of Provence
sky (label l):
sky (label l):
sky (label l):
sky (label l):
The Bramin Angel. An Oriental Tale
sky (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sky (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sky (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sky (label m):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
sky (label n):
Until the Day dawn
sky (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
sky (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
sky (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
sky (label o):
The Legend of Jubal
sky (label o):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
sky (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
sky (label q):
Sir Self and Womankind
sky (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
sky (label r1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
sky (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
sky (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
sky (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
sky (label u):
Ammergau: An Idyll
sky (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
smilingly (label i):
solemnly (label b):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
spy (label m):
Field Flowers
spy (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
supply (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
thee (label b):
theology (label a):
Under a Railway Arch
thigh (label a):
Master Olaf. (From the German)
thigh (label l):
thigh (label s):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
tie (label i):
Down the River
tie (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
tie (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
try (label f2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
try (label j1):
Walter and William
try (label j1):
Walter and William
try (label n):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
try (label o):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
try (label r1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
try (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
try (label u):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
try (label v1):
The Origin of the Fairies
victory (label j):
The Lady of Provence
why (label c):
The Quaker’s Lament
why (label j1):
Walter and William
why (label j1):
Walter and William
why (label k2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third