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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Pique (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
beak (label h):
The Time for Me
bespeak (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
break (label f):
Slumber. (From the Spanish)
break (label g):
Elegy II
break (label i):
The Ballad of Oriana
cheek (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
cheek (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
cheek (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
cheek (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
meek (label a):
meek (label a1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
meek (label c):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
meek (label i):
IV. To A Lover of Flowers
meek (label i):
The Ballad of Oriana
meek (label i):
The Mother’s Heart
meek (label m):
meek (label n):
III. To Charlotte S—. Six years old. (In an Album—St Patrick’s Day. 1839.)
meek (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
meek (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
meek (label v):
A Tale of the Tower
meek (label w):
The Triad
oblique (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
reek (label c):
Bonny Mary
seek (label a):
The Chain Broken
seek (label a):
Unfading Beauty
seek (label b):
The Emigrant’s Bird
seek (label c):
seek (label g):
To Margaret
seek (label h):
The Musician
seek (label i):
The Ballad of Oriana
seek (label l):
Stanzas, Written During a Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, and Addressed to a Northern Princess
seek (label m):
The Female Convict to Her Infant
seek (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
speak (label a):
speak (label a2):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
speak (label b1):
The Dumb Child
speak (label c):
speak (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
speak (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
speak (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
speak (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
speak (label e):
The Lament of the Irish Emigrant
speak (label f):
The Gloves
speak (label f):
The Old Nursery Story. From the Low-German
speak (label g):
Brecon Bridge
speak (label i):
The Ballad of Oriana
speak (label l):
A Comforter
speak (label m):
speak (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
speak (label n):
The Origin of the Fairies
speak (label o):
Infantine Inquiries
speak (label o):
The Lost Clue
speak (label r):
The Veteran Tar
speak (label s):
The Condemned
speak (label t1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
speak (label t3):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
speak (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
speak (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
speak (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
squeak (label c):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
streak (label w):
The Triad
weak (label a):
The Chain Broken
weak (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
weak (label c):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
weak (label d):
The Soldier’s Tear
weak (label e):
The Ae Lamb o’ the Fauld
weak (label e):
The Knight’s Lament
weak (label h):
weak (label j):
The Little Girl’s Lament
weak (label n1):
Household Christmas Carols
weak (label r):
The Veteran Tar
weak (label v):
A Sea-Side Reverie
weak (label v):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song
week (label c):
At Night
week (label g1):
The Quaker’s Lament
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Unique (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
bespeak (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
cheek (label w):
The Triad
cheek (label w):
The Triad
cheek (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
cheek (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
cheek (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
cheek (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
meek (label w):
The Triad
seek (label c2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
seek (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
speak (label x3):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
speak (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
speak (label z):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
streak (label w):
The Triad