Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
aspiration (label h):
Whither Goest Thou?
consecration (label b1):
The Spell Unravelled. Written the 6th May 1820
imagination (label e):
Fairy Lore
nation (label f):
The Musical Frogs
nation (label o):
A Song of Liberty
nation (label q):
“Praties will grow”
nation (label q):
“Praties will grow”
population (label e2):
The Building of the Palace of the Lamp
potation (label n1):
Æsop and the Philosopher
revelation (label s):
Hymn IX
the nation (label l1):
To Burns’s Highland Mary
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
decoration (label e2):
The Building of the Palace of the Lamp
inflammation (label f):
The Musical Frogs
iteration (label f):
The Musical Frogs
nation (label f):
The Musical Frogs
nation (label f):
The Musical Frogs
nation (label f):
The Musical Frogs
population (label e2):
The Building of the Palace of the Lamp
speculation (label f):
The Musical Frogs