Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Eurydice (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
Nineveh (label f):
A Plea for the Dumb Animals
be (label l):
An Eastern Legend Versified, from Alphonse De Lamartine’s Travels
be (label l):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
be (label y):
On Poland
free (label g):
The Battle of Algiers
free (label l):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
free (label y):
On Poland
free (label y):
On Poland
me (label a):
Father’s Lament
me (label f):
True or False?
misery (label u1):
The Revelation
plea (label f):
A Plea for the Dumb Animals
plea (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
sea (label a):
Ada’s Lament
sea (label g):
The Battle of Algiers
see (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
thee (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
victory (label g):
The Battle of Algiers
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Calliope (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
Eurydice (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
Eurydice (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
Free (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
Sicily (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
agree (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
agree (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label a):
Father’s Lament
be (label a):
Father’s Lament
be (label a):
Father’s Lament
be (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
be (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
be (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
be (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
be (label l):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
controls (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
decree (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
decree (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
destiny (label l):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
fee (label f):
True or False?
free (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
free (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
free (label f):
True or False?
free (label g):
The Battle of Algiers
free (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
free (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
key (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
key (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
knee (label l):
An Eastern Legend Versified, from Alphonse De Lamartine’s Travels
lea (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
me (label a):
Ada’s Lament
me (label a):
Father’s Lament
me (label a):
Father’s Lament
me (label f):
True or False?
me (label f):
True or False?
me (label f):
True or False?
me (label f):
True or False?
me (label l):
An Eastern Legend Versified, from Alphonse De Lamartine’s Travels
me (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
plea (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
sea (label a):
Ada’s Lament
sea (label f):
True or False?
sea (label g):
The Battle of Algiers
see (label a):
Father’s Lament
see (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
see (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
see (label f):
True or False?
see (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
see (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
see (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
souls (label u):
Orpheus and Eurydice
sovereignty (label l):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
thee (label d):
The Freeman and the Slave
three (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
three (label i2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third