Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Seas (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
breeze (label m):
The Delaying Spring
freeze (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
leas (label m):
The Delaying Spring
seas (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
seas (label r1):
Walter and William
these (label m2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
trees (label m):
The Delaying Spring
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Alcibiades (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
Demosthenes (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
Seas (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
bees (label m):
The Delaying Spring
breeze (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
breeze (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
degrees (label m2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
disease (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
disease (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
disease (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
disease (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
ease (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
ease (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
ease (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
ease (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
ease (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
ecstasies (label m):
The Delaying Spring
fees (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
in (label r1):
Walter and William
please (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
please (label n2):
St. Stephen’s
seas (label g):
Sister Rose Gertrude
sees (label m2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
seize (label m):
The Delaying Spring
skin (label r1):
Walter and William
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
trees (label b):
XII. The Bard’s Wish