Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
adieu (label m):
Cowper’s Lines on the Receipt of his Mother’s Picture
back (label u):
The Toad
blue (label l):
Sir Harold
crew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
dew (label c):
dew (label i1):
dew (label o):
Elegy I
dew (label s):
My Maid Marian
dew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
dew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
do (label u):
The Toad
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
due (label b):
Stanzas, Written upon Robert, the Son of Captain S. Shaw, of the Royal Artillery, Now a Resident in the East Indies—A Child Five Years of Age
few (label b):
few (label e):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
grew (label b):
grew (label g):
When Night and Morning Meet
grew (label g):
When the Night and Morning Meet
grew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
grew (label n1):
The Clearing of the Glens
grew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
hue (label b):
hue (label c):
Upon Seeing Miss Fanny Kemble in Juliet
hue (label h):
Song of the Bird, in Armida’s Enchanted Garden: From Tasso
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
knew (label a):
Elegy XII. Book II
knew (label b):
knew (label c):
knew (label g):
When Night and Morning Meet
knew (label g):
When the Night and Morning Meet
knew (label k1):
A Tale of the Tower
knew (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
knew (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
knew (label p1):
Sister Rose Gertrude
knew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
knew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
new (label h):
Holly and Mistletoe
threw (label e):
The King of Thule. From Goethe
threw (label f):
Undine. Versification of Part of de la Motte Fouqué’s Romance, in Illustration of a Painting by M. Retzsch, in the Collection of His Serene Highness Prince Esterhazy
threw (label m):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
thro (label b):
“I Laid Me Down”
through (label b):
through (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
through (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
through (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
through (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
too (label g):
Book III. Ode 3
too (label j):
Elegy III. Book I
too (label n3):
track (label u):
The Toad
true (label b):
true (label g1):
The Novel—A Satire
true (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
two (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
view (label t):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
withdrew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
withdrew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
you (label a):
A Southern Song
you (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Buccleuch (label g1):
The Novel—A Satire
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
blew (label a):
A Southern Song
blew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
blue (label e):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
blue (label s):
My Maid Marian
blue (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
blue (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
crew (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
do (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
drew (label b):
drew (label b):
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
due (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
erthrew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
flew (label a):
A Southern Song
flew (label f):
Undine. Versification of Part of de la Motte Fouqué’s Romance, in Illustration of a Painting by M. Retzsch, in the Collection of His Serene Highness Prince Esterhazy
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
flew (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
flew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
foreknew (label e):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
glow (label c):
grew (label a):
A Southern Song
grew (label c):
grew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
grew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
grew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
grew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
hue (label f):
Undine. Versification of Part of de la Motte Fouqué’s Romance, in Illustration of a Painting by M. Retzsch, in the Collection of His Serene Highness Prince Esterhazy
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
knew (label a):
A Southern Song
knew (label b):
knew (label g1):
The Novel—A Satire
knew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
knew (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
new (label e):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
outdo (label g1):
The Novel—A Satire
show (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
show (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
show (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
slew (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
subdue (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
threw (label f):
Undine. Versification of Part of de la Motte Fouqué’s Romance, in Illustration of a Painting by M. Retzsch, in the Collection of His Serene Highness Prince Esterhazy
thro (label s):
My Maid Marian
through (label b):
through (label c):
through (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
through (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
too (label g1):
The Novel—A Satire
too (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
true (label b):
true (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
true (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
two (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
two (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
two (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
view (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
view (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
woo (label z1):
The Legend of Jubal
you (label e):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
you (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn