Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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bread (label u):
The Village Politician
deed (label f):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song
greed (label a2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
indeed (label v):
Lines on the Place de Jeanne d’Arc, at Rouen. Addressed to Samuel Prout, Esq.
lead (label l):
The Elder
mead (label f):
The Country Church
mead (label i):
Spike Island. A Legend
need (label g):
need (label i1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
read (label r):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
reed (label g):
steed (label j):
To My Two-Wheeled Steed
succeed (label u):
Hymn X
weed (label l):
The Elder
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
deed (label a2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
indeed (label f):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song
need (label a2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
weed (label f):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song