Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Greys (label h):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
Hay’s (label c2):
Walter and William
Yesterdays (label i):
Where is Yesterday?
amaze (label h):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
amaze (label n):
II. To A Beautiful Girl, On her exhibiting a copy she had taken of Raphael’s great picture—The Transfiguration—and asking, “Was not that painter inspired?”
amaze (label u):
To Neæra
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
blaze (label e1):
The Flower Girl of Savoy
blaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
blaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
blaze (label i):
blaze (label j):
A Cottage Memory
blaze (label j):
Faces in the Fire
blaze (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
blaze (label m):
The Battle
blaze (label r):
A Stroll by Startlight
blaze (label s):
The Emperor and the Rabbi
blaze (label u):
To Neæra
blaze (label x):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
days (label a):
June Memories
days (label c):
When I Upon thy Bosom Lean
days (label e):
Hymn on the Transfiguration
days (label e):
The Cathedral
days (label e):
The Waits
days (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
days (label g):
“If Thou Hadst Known”
days (label h):
Hymn to the Moon
days (label i1):
A Sea-Side Reverie
days (label j):
Faces in the Fire
days (label j):
days (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
days (label j):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
days (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
days (label m):
The Fatherless
days (label p1):
Once Upon a Time
days (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label s3):
The Legend of Jubal
days (label w):
Ode to Memory
days (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
days (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
eyes (label b):
face (label r):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
graze (label g):
A “Mercenary” Marriage
haze (label e):
The Moonlight
haze (label j):
Moses Saved from the Waters. (From Victor Hugo)
haze (label k1):
All’s Well
haze (label m):
The Battle
haze (label v):
Mary’s Birthday
maze (label n1):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
pays (label o):
praise (label d):
“Ding dong, ding dong, so rich, so full, so deep”
praise (label e):
The Carver’s Lesson
praise (label e):
The Cathedral
praise (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
praise (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
praise (label h):
“It was the day that tuneful Pindar sent”
praise (label u):
The Freeman and the Slave
raise (label b):
IV. “Would Beatrice unto thee, O friend”
raise (label d):
“O Life! O Death! How good ye are and fair”
raise (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
raise (label h):
Hymn to the Moon
raise (label j):
raise (label j):
Ode to Labour. (From Tait’s Magazine)
raise (label r):
A Stroll by Startlight
rays (label f):
Hymn XII
rays (label i):
Stanzas. Afar, Oh Ladye Fair, Afar
rays (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
rays (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
rays (label q):
Elegy III. Book I
surveys (label e):
surveys (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
ways (label a):
Hymn XV
ways (label i):
Fairy Jane. (For music)
weighs (label w):
Ode to Memory
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Yesterdays (label i):
Where is Yesterday?
amaze (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
bays (label s3):
The Legend of Jubal
blaze (label a):
June Memories
blaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
blaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
blaze (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
blaze (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label a):
June Memories
days (label a):
June Memories
days (label e):
The Cathedral
days (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
days (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
days (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
days (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label s3):
The Legend of Jubal
days (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
days (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
face (label r):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
gaze (label e):
The Cathedral
gaze (label e):
The Cathedral
gaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
gaze (label h):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
gaze (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
gaze (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
gaze (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
gaze (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
has (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
haze (label r):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
haze (label s3):
The Legend of Jubal
lace (label r):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
maze (label s3):
The Legend of Jubal
maze (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
obeys (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
phrase (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
phrase (label x):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
plays (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
plays (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label e):
The Cathedral
praise (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
praise (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
praise (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
race (label r):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
raise (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
rays (label j):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
rays (label m):
On the Portrait of Wickliffe
surveys (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
ways (label a):
June Memories
ways (label i):
Where is Yesterday?
weighs (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
weighs (label w2):
St. Stephen’s