Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Hay (label u):
Walter and William
Nay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
array (label u):
Walter and William
away (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
away (label i):
The Dark Waggon
bay (label d):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
clay (label d):
Hymn X
day (label u):
Walter and William
folly, pray (label i):
Lines to Phillip Sampson, the Brummagem Youth
gay (label u):
Walter and William
lay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
play (label c):
play (label i):
The Dark Waggon
play (label q):
The Wishes of A Dumb-Waiter
play (label u):
Walter and William
sway (label d):
In a Corn-Field. (Folkestone)
way (label u):
Walter and William
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Day (label u):
Walter and William
Fay (label u):
Walter and William
Galloway (label c):
Hay (label u):
Walter and William
Hay (label u):
Walter and William
Hay (label u):
Walter and William
Hay (label u):
Walter and William
Mackay (label c):
May (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
Spey (label c):
away (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
away (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
away (label c):
away (label i):
The Dark Waggon
away (label i):
The Dark Waggon
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
away (label u):
Walter and William
aye (label c):
clay (label d):
Hymn X
clay (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
day (label c):
day (label c):
day (label c):
day (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
day (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
day (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
day (label i):
The Dark Waggon
day (label i):
The Dark Waggon
day (label i):
The Dark Waggon
day (label u):
Walter and William
day (label u):
Walter and William
day (label u):
Walter and William
day (label u):
Walter and William
day (label u):
Walter and William
delay (label i):
The Dark Waggon
delay (label i):
The Dark Waggon
fray (label c):
fray (label c):
gay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
gray (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
gray (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
gray (label c):
gray (label u):
Walter and William
hay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
lay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
lay (label u):
Walter and William
obey (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
play (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
play (label c):
pray (label c):
pray (label c):
pray (label u):
Walter and William
prey (label d):
Hymn X
ray (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
ray (label u):
Walter and William
relay (label i):
The Dark Waggon
say (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
say (label c):
say (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
say (label u):
Walter and William
say (label u):
Walter and William
say (label u):
Walter and William
say (label u):
Walter and William
say (label u):
Walter and William
slay (label c):
stay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
stay (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
stay (label u):
Walter and William
sway (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
they (label i):
The Dark Waggon
they (label u):
Walter and William
way (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
way (label a):
I Sat in the Shadow
way (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
way (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal
way (label i):
The Dark Waggon
way (label i):
The Dark Waggon
way (label u):
Walter and William
way (label u):
Walter and William
way (label u):
Walter and William
yesterday (label d2):
The Legend of Jubal