Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
boast (label a):
The Rook
boast (label q):
The Marseillaise Hymn
boast (label y3):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
coast (label d):
The World’s Age
coast (label m):
The Last Stork
coast (label n):
In August
coast (label p):
A Vision of Combs. Addressed to the “Forget Me Not”
coast (label x):
Destruction of Babylon
cost (label h):
Maga at No. 45
ghost (label c):
To a Friend Recently Lost. T. T.
ghost (label f):
Down the River
ghost (label m):
ghost (label n2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
ghost (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
lost (label a1):
A Tale of the Tower
lost (label f):
Down the River
lost (label m):
An Old Haunt
lost (label m):
lost (label m):
The Flight from Granada
lost (label n):
The Hymn
lost (label n2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
lost (label o):
The Wind’s Tidings
lost (label u):
The Lady of Provence
most (label f):
Down the River
most (label p):
Hymn XI
most (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
most (label x4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
post (label f):
Down the River
post (label h):
“A Time to Dance!”
toast (label m):
Stanzas On Trying In Vain To Read
tost (label d):
To Nicæa, the Birthplace of Garibaldi
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
ghost (label f):
Down the River
ghost (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
host (label f):
Down the River
host (label f):
Down the River
host (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
host (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
lost (label f):
Down the River
lost (label x):
Destruction of Babylon
lost (label x4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
most (label f):
Down the River
most (label u2):
St. Stephen’s
most (label x4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
post (label f):
Down the River
post (label x):
Destruction of Babylon