Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
admire (label j):
A Martyr’s Victory
dire (label a2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
dire (label b):
Flowers of Fire
dire (label j2):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
expire (label b):
The Village Politician
fire (label a1):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
fire (label b):
Flowers of Fire
fire (label g):
Undine. Versification of Part of de la Motte Fouqué’s Romance, in Illustration of a Painting by M. Retzsch, in the Collection of His Serene Highness Prince Esterhazy
fire (label h):
Book Fourth, Ode Second
fire (label j):
A Martyr’s Victory
fire (label j5):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
fire (label k):
fire (label m):
My Scottish Boy
fire (label m):
The Siege of Rhodes
fire (label p3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
fire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
lyre (label a):
Elegy II. Book III
lyre (label c1):
lyre (label g):
Robert Browning
pyre (label b):
Flowers of Fire
require (label g):
Robert Browning
require (label l1):
A Guernsey Tradition
wire (label g):
Robert Browning
wire (label l):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
confess’d (label l1):
A Guernsey Tradition
desire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
desire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
expire (label a):
Elegy II. Book III
expire (label a1):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
fire (label a):
Elegy II. Book III
fire (label a1):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
fire (label a1):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
fire (label a2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
fire (label a2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
fire (label m):
My Scottish Boy
fire (label m):
The Siege of Rhodes
fire (label p3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
fire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
fire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
fire (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
guest (label l1):
A Guernsey Tradition
higher (label m):
The Siege of Rhodes
higher (label q):
Kit Carson’s Ride
lyre (label a1):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
lyre (label a2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
lyre (label m):
My Scottish Boy
pyre (label a2):
Orpheus and Eurydice
pyre (label p3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)