Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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This (label f):
The Shadow Kiss
This (label i1):
A Ballad of a Nun
This (label v):
Yes (label l):
Cowper’s Lines on the Receipt of his Mother’s Picture
abyss (label b):
abyss (label e1):
At Sea. 1880
abyss (label l):
abyss (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
abyss (label n):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
abyss (label w1):
John and Joan, Canto II
amiss (label d):
amiss (label d):
“Behave yoursell before folk”
amiss (label r):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto II
bitterness (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
bless (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
bliss (label a):
bliss (label a):
VI. “An old expressive simple word is this”
bliss (label b):
II.–The Snowdrop Monument (In Lichfield Cathedral)
bliss (label b):
Only a Word!
bliss (label b):
When I Upon thy Bosom Lean
bliss (label c):
Urbanus Loquitur
bliss (label d):
I. “It is the Crown of Summer–August ride!”
bliss (label e):
Love’s Comparisons
bliss (label e):
bliss (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
bliss (label e1):
Half the Year Round
bliss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
bliss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
bliss (label g3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
bliss (label h):
A Dewdrop
bliss (label h):
The Wilderness
bliss (label i):
bliss (label j1):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
bliss (label l):
Cowper’s Lines on the Receipt of his Mother’s Picture
bliss (label m1):
The Knight’s Lament
bliss (label n2):
Poor Margaret
bliss (label o):
First Love
bliss (label r):
A Missed Summer
bliss (label r):
Walter and William
bliss (label t):
bliss (label v):
bliss (label v):
The Condemned
caress (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
confess (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
dress (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
faithlessness (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
heedlessness (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
helplessness (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
his (label r):
his (label s):
Sir Harold
is (label h1):
The End of a Month
is (label i):
lattices (label q1):
A Letter in Black
less (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
miss (label a):
VI. “An old expressive simple word is this”
miss (label d):
By Private Post
miss (label e):
The Soul’s Parting
miss (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
miss (label m):
Before Sedan
miss (label q1):
A Letter in Black
miss (label t):
Love in Death
musis (label n):
righteousness (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
stress (label b):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
this (label a):
A Question and an Answer
this (label a):
this (label a):
Summer Twilight
this (label a):
VI. “An old expressive simple word is this”
this (label c):
How I Read Petrarch
this (label d):
I. “It is the Crown of Summer–August ride!”
this (label d):
“Behave yoursell before folk”
this (label e):
An Evening Voice
this (label e):
No News from the War
this (label f):
Old Memories
this (label k):
The Worm and the Flower
this (label l):
this (label l):
La Rose du Bal
this (label l):
Love in All
this (label n):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
this (label r):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto II
this (label t):
Mendelssohn’s “Duetto” by Moonlight
this (label u):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
this (label v):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
this (label w):
Her Bridal
this (label z1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
wantonness (label a):
Sunset in the Western Highlands. Oban, Argyleshire
wis (label v1):
The Bell
wiss (label j1):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
bliss (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
bliss (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
bliss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
bliss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
bliss (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
bliss (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
bliss (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
imperfectness (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
is (label t):
Mendelssohn’s “Duetto” by Moonlight
kiss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
kiss (label f):
Shakespeare’s Women
kiss (label q1):
A Letter in Black
kiss (label q1):
A Letter in Black
lattices (label q1):
A Letter in Black
miss (label q1):
A Letter in Black
this (label e1):
A Sunday Pastoral
this (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
this (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
this (label l):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
this (label t):
Mendelssohn’s “Duetto” by Moonlight