Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Maid (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
Maid (label j):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
afraid (label d1):
The Bell
afraid (label f):
afraid (label p):
The Worst of It
aid (label s):
Description of Stonehenge
arrayed (label a):
II. “Beneath an ancient elm-tree’s broadest shade”
array’d (label u):
Mary’s Birthday
betrayed (label v):
betray’d (label s1):
The Flower Girl of Savoy
blade (label u1):
Dion. (See Plutarch)
blade (label x):
Sir Walter’s Honor
blade (label x):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
dead (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
deathbed (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
decayed (label e):
By a Poet’s Grave
decayed (label h):
A Hebrew Dirge over Sir Daniel Donnelly
decay’d (label s):
On looking On The Sea. Written Abroad
dismayed (label x1):
All’s Well
displayed (label a):
“Young Hopeful”—The Village Boy
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label p):
The Death of the Old Year. Written in Neville’s Court, Trinity College, Cambridge, at Midnight, December 31, 1838
glad (label g):
glade (label a):
II. “Beneath an ancient elm-tree’s broadest shade”
head (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
head (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
head (label f):
All’s Well
head (label h):
head (label v):
head (label z):
The Bell
laid (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
laid (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
made (label a):
made (label b):
made (label c1):
Britain’s Prosperity. A new song, which ought to have been sung by the Premier at the opening of Parliament
made (label e):
The Elves
made (label f):
“Sorrowing, yet Rejoicing”
made (label t):
The Stolen Kiss
made (label w):
To the Wild Bee
made (label x):
Cowper’s Lines on the Receipt of his Mother’s Picture
made (label x):
Garden Thoughts, Written on Occasion of a Ladies’ Bazaar, in Aid of the Church Missionary Society, Being Held in the Garden-Grounds of a Benevolent Family Resident on the Banks of the Yorkshire Ouse
made (label y):
maid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
maid (label e):
The Battle Field
maid (label k):
Elegy III. Book I
maid (label s):
mine (label m1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
obeyed (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
overhead (label z):
The Bell
paid (label b):
plaid (label s):
Torquil and Oona
played (label e):
Faces in the Fire
played (label g):
Infantine Inquiries
played (label o):
A Village Tale
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
prayed (label h):
A Church-Yard Scene
prayed (label s):
Torquil and Oona
pray’d (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
pray’d (label t):
A Tale of the Tower
resign (label m1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
said (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
said (label v2):
Walter and William
said (label z):
The Bell
shade (label a):
II. “Beneath an ancient elm-tree’s broadest shade”
shade (label a):
shade (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
shade (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
shade (label b):
shade (label f):
Once Upon a Time
shade (label f):
To Corsica
shade (label i):
Under the Mango
shade (label j):
My Study
shade (label j):
The Christmas Tree
shade (label k):
Earth’s Harvests
shade (label k):
Requiescat in Pace
shade (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
shade (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
shade (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
shade (label m):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
shade (label m):
The Black and the White Slave
shade (label m1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
shade (label n):
The Village Church
shade (label o):
Elegy III
shade (label s):
shade (label w):
To the Wild Bee
shed (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
spade (label p):
The Lay of the German Lint-Makers
stay’d (label j):
Twenty-four Quatrains from Omar
strayed (label a):
strayed (label c):
A Stolen Visit
trade (label c1):
Britain’s Prosperity. A new song, which ought to have been sung by the Premier at the opening of Parliament
unafraid (label l):
The Noble Coward
unaltered (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
unpaid (label m):
unsaid (label q):
upbraid (label s):
Description of Stonehenge
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Crusade (label n):
The Village Church
Maid (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
afraid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
afraid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
afraid (label v2):
Walter and William
aid (label f):
All’s Well
aid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
astonished (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
bed (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
bed (label f):
All’s Well
blade (label n):
The Village Church
blade (label x):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
dead (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label z):
The Bell
dead (label z):
The Bell
divine (label m1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
dread (label f):
All’s Well
enshrine (label m1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label c):
Too Soon
fade (label h):
A Church-Yard Scene
fled (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
head (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
head (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
head (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
head (label z):
The Bell
laid (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
laid (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label c):
Too Soon
laid (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
laid (label e):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
laid (label s):
Torquil and Oona
laid (label s):
Torquil and Oona
made (label j):
The Christmas Tree
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
made (label l):
The Noble Coward
maid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
maid (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
maid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
maid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
maid (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
obey’d (label v2):
Walter and William
persuade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
plaid (label s):
Torquil and Oona
played (label g):
Infantine Inquiries
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
prayed (label s):
Torquil and Oona
pray’d (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
raid (label x):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
said (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
said (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
said (label f):
All’s Well
said (label f):
All’s Well
said (label z):
The Bell
shade (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
shade (label a):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
shade (label g):
Infantine Inquiries
shade (label h):
A Church-Yard Scene
shade (label j):
The Christmas Tree
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
shade (label v2):
Walter and William
shed (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
spread (label f):
All’s Well
stayed (label e):
Faces in the Fire
stayed (label l):
The Noble Coward
stay’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
stay’d (label v2):
Walter and William
tread (label f):
All’s Well
wade (label l):
The Noble Coward