Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Divine (label d):
The Divine Life
Mamertine (label o2):
At Rome
brine (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
brine (label n):
Mendelssohn’s “Duetto” by Moonlight
combine (label e):
Robert Burns
confine (label h2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
confine (label q2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
decline (label b):
To a Deer in a Park
decline (label b):
To —
define (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
design (label h):
Vanity of Riches
divine (label b):
To —
divine (label c):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
divine (label e):
The Battle of Algiers
divine (label e):
The New Year
divine (label f):
Life’s Pauses
divine (label t):
Carmen Triumphale. (Stanzas suggested under the flag of the marble arch of the Queen’s Palace, the evening of Wednesday, June 10, 1840)
divine (label w):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
fine (label c):
A Lark’s Flight
fine (label c):
Lines to Murphy
fine (label h):
The Lady’s Dilemma
fine (label l):
The Regatta
join (label b2):
Destruction of Babylon
kine (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
kine (label d):
The Secret of the Nightingale
langsyne (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
mine (label a):
Scene—The Church of St Jerome, Granada. A Traveller—A Spaniard
mine (label b):
Father’s Lament
mine (label b):
The Elder’s Daughter
mine (label c):
mine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
mine (label e):
The New Year
mine (label e):
With a Wedding Present
mine (label g2):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
mine (label j):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
mine (label o):
The Noble Coward
mine (label q):
Without and Within
nine (label j):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
pine (label o):
Inch-Cailliach, Loch Lomond. [The island burial-place of Clan-Alpine, resembling, from Rossdhu, a reclining body with folded arms]
pine (label w):
Insulæ Fortunatæ
shine (label b):
To —
shine (label c):
A Lament
shine (label c):
shine (label g1):
A Sea-Side Reverie
shine (label j):
The Battle
shine (label k):
The Veteran Tar
shine (label n):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
shine (label r3):
St. Stephen’s
shine (label u):
The Wilderness
shrine (label a):
The World’s Age
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
shrine (label z):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
sign (label e):
A Sea-Town
sign (label j):
The Battle
sunshine (label b):
To a Deer in a Park
thine (label e):
The Wild Pink of Malmesbury Abbey
thine (label i2):
The Last Stork
thine (label l):
Elegy XXVII. Book II
thine (label l):
thine (label m1):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
whine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Divine (label d):
The Divine Life
Divine (label d):
The Divine Life
Divine (label d):
The Divine Life
Divine (label d):
The Divine Life
Geraldine (label c):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
Palestine (label i2):
The Last Stork
Palestine (label i2):
The Last Stork
Palestine (label i2):
The Last Stork
again (label i2):
The Last Stork
again (label i2):
The Last Stork
again (label i2):
The Last Stork
brine (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
define (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
divine (label c):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
divine (label e):
Robert Burns
divine (label e):
The New Year
divine (label e):
The Wild Pink of Malmesbury Abbey
fine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
fine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
incarnadine (label w):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
kine (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
langsyne (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
line (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
line (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
line (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
line (label b1):
Torquil and Oona
line (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
line (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label i2):
The Last Stork
line (label k):
Poetical Portraits
line (label k):
Poetical Portraits
mine (label b):
The Elder’s Daughter
mine (label b):
The Elder’s Daughter
mine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
mine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
mine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
mine (label e):
The New Year
mine (label e):
The Wild Pink of Malmesbury Abbey
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
mine (label i2):
The Last Stork
pine (label e):
Robert Burns
pine (label o):
Inch-Cailliach, Loch Lomond. [The island burial-place of Clan-Alpine, resembling, from Rossdhu, a reclining body with folded arms]
shine (label c):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
shine (label d):
The Divine Life
shrine (label d):
The Divine Life
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
shrine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
sign (label d):
The Divine Life
sign (label o):
Inch-Cailliach, Loch Lomond. [The island burial-place of Clan-Alpine, resembling, from Rossdhu, a reclining body with folded arms]
thine (label b):
The Elder’s Daughter
thine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
thine (label d1):
The Raid of the Kers
thine (label i2):
The Last Stork
thine (label i2):
The Last Stork
thine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
thine (label k):
Poetical Portraits
whine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
wine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
wine (label b):
The Novel—A Satire
wine (label d):
The Divine Life
wine (label w):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion