Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
afraid (label c):
Love Song
afraid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
afraid (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
afraid (label v):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
aid (label l):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
array’d (label e):
betrayed (label e):
Verdict—“Found Dead.” The Surgeon’s Tale
blade (label f):
Tasso to Eleonora: A Canzonet and Sonnet
cascade (label n):
Kenneth Macrae
dead (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
glade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
glade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
glade (label q):
head (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
inlaid (label x):
The Tea-Table
jade (label l):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
laid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
laid (label e):
The Battle Field
laid (label k):
Elegy III. Book I
laid (label s):
made (label k2):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
made (label v):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
parade (label z):
Only for Something to Say
plaid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
plaid (label x):
The Origin of the Fairies
played (label e):
Faces in the Fire
played (label y):
pray’d (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
said (label a):
Auf Wiederseh’n
said (label b):
The Two Laments. (From the German)
said (label c):
Sir Allan’s Wooing
said (label c):
said (label g1):
A Sunday Pastoral
said (label g1):
said (label k2):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
said (label v1):
Betsy Brown. A True Story
serenade (label o):
A Ballad of a Nun
shade (label a):
Auf Wiederseh’n
shade (label a):
Tom and Kitty
shade (label e):
shade (label e):
shade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
shade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label n1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
shade (label o):
Stanzas on Shelley
shade (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
shade (label s):
staid (label j2):
The Fight for the Belt. A Lay Sung at a Feast in Pall-Mall
staid (label y):
stayed (label e):
Faces in the Fire
stay’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
swayed (label c):
The Village Funeral
trade (label s):
The Old Chartist
trade (label x):
The Tea-Table
unsaid (label y):
unstayed (label j):
The “Crochet-Worker.” Suggested by Etty’s Picture in the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1849
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Maid (label x):
The Tea-Table
afraid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
afraid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
afraid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
afraid (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
afraid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
afraid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
aid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
aid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
aid (label q):
bed (label c):
Sir Allan’s Wooing
bed (label c):
dead (label c):
dead (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
dead (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
ear (label k2):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
fade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
glade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
glade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
head (label b):
The Two Laments. (From the German)
head (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
hear (label k2):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
laid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
laid (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
laid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
laid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
laid (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
made (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
made (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
maid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
maid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
maid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
maid (label e):
Faces in the Fire
maid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
maid (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
maid (label y):
maid (label y):
neighed (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
obeyed (label p):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
obey’d (label x):
The Tea-Table
persuade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
persuade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
plaid (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
played (label e):
Faces in the Fire
played (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
played (label y):
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
play’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
pray’d (label g1):
A Sunday Pastoral
pray’d (label j1):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
pray’d (label q):
read (label c):
Sir Allan’s Wooing
said (label b):
The Two Laments. (From the German)
said (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
said (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
said (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
said (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
said (label g1):
A Sunday Pastoral
shade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
shade (label b1):
A Greek Pastoral
shade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
shade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
shade (label i):
The Knight’s Lament
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
shade (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
staid (label y):
stayed (label e):
Faces in the Fire
stay’d (label j2):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
unsaid (label y):
wed (label c):
Sir Allan’s Wooing
wed (label c):
Sir Allan’s Wooing
wed (label d):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore