Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Dayes (label e):
In February. 1870
Days (label c1):
To an Early Spring Day
Praise (label e):
In February. 1870
Praise (label e):
In February. 1870
Praise (label e):
In February. 1870
Rayes (label e):
In February. 1870
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
betrays (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
betrays (label u):
blaze (label a):
A Cottage Memory
blaze (label i):
The Friend of Greece
blaze (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label a):
At My Looking-Glass
days (label a):
My Study
days (label a):
“This Ought Ye to Have Done”
days (label a1):
Ode to Poverty
days (label b):
A Chant
days (label b):
An Eastern Legend Versified, from Alphonse De Lamartine’s Travels
days (label c):
days (label d):
days (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
days (label f):
I.—The Daisy
days (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
days (label f):
“These to His Mem’ry since He Held them Dear”
days (label i):
Unspoken Dialogue
days (label i1):
The Hymn
days (label l):
Paris, December, 1870. The Voice of the Night
days (label m):
The Minstrel’s Curse
days (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
days (label p):
Fragmentary Stanzas
days (label p):
The Testimonium, A Prize Poem
days (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label q):
The Temple of Folly
days (label r):
days (label r):
days (label w):
“He’s Risen!”
days (label y):
Ode to Poverty
days (label z):
A Fact. Vide Graphic of 27th December, page 627
decays (label q):
Hymn XI
gaze (label d):
“Ding dong, ding dong, so rich, so full, so deep”
gaze (label e):
The Carver’s Lesson
gaze (label e):
The Cathedral
gaze (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
gaze (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
gaze (label h):
“It was the day that tuneful Pindar sent”
gaze (label u):
The Freeman and the Slave
has (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
lays (label c):
Coming Summer
lays (label c):
lays (label g):
In A Children’s Hospital
lays (label m1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
lays (label t):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
lays (label w2):
The Novel—A Satire
lays (label z):
The Necromancy of the Past
plays (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
raise (label d):
Mary’s Birthday
raise (label e):
In February. 1870
raise (label e):
In February. 1870
raise (label e):
raise (label e1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
raise (label f):
raise (label f):
“Oh! who would think, in cheerless solitude”
raise (label h1):
Sunset, after Rain
raise (label i):
The Friend of Greece
raise (label n1):
A Guernsey Tradition
raise (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
raise (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
raise (label s):
The Village Funeral
raise (label u):
raise (label z):
A Fact. Vide Graphic of 27th December, page 627
rays (label b):
The Candidate’s Garland. An Excellent New Song
rays (label g):
The Press
says (label n4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
surveys (label b):
A Chant
ways (label b):
A Chant
ways (label b):
Exultate Deo
ways (label d):
Strangers Yet!
ways (label i):
Unspoken Dialogue
ways (label i1):
The Hymn
ways (label l):
God’s Horologe
ways (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
ways (label n):
Field Flowers
ways (label n):
Who Rolled the Powder In? A Lay of the Gunpowder Plot
ways (label p):
Wood Anemones
ways (label v):
One Question, Many Answers
weighs (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Lays (label n):
Who Rolled the Powder In? A Lay of the Gunpowder Plot
Wray’s (label a):
A Cottage Memory
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
amaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
betrays (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
betrays (label u):
betrays (label u):
betrays (label u):
days (label a):
A Cottage Memory
days (label e):
The Cathedral
days (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
days (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
days (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
days (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
days (label m1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
days (label n):
Who Rolled the Powder In? A Lay of the Gunpowder Plot
days (label n4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
days (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
days (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
days (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
essays (label n4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
face (label b):
The Candidate’s Garland. An Excellent New Song
gaze (label e):
The Cathedral
gaze (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
gaze (label q):
Alexander Restores to Athens the Spoils Carried off by Xerxes
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
gaze (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
gaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
gaze (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
grace (label b):
The Candidate’s Garland. An Excellent New Song
has (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
man (label n1):
A Guernsey Tradition
maze (label m1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
plan (label n1):
A Guernsey Tradition
plays (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
praise (label e):
The Exhibited Dwarf
praise (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
praise (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
praise (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
praise (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
praise (label u):
praise (label u):
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
praise (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
praise (label y1):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
prays (label u):
prays (label u):
raise (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
raise (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
raise (label m1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
raise (label s):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
raise (label u):
surveys (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
surveys (label w2):
St. Stephen’s
ways (label m1):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
ways (label m1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
weighs (label w2):
St. Stephen’s