Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
air (label o):
The Stolen Kiss
appear (label n):
Winter Scenes in Scotland
career (label h):
Seedtime and Harvest
cheer (label q):
Stanzas, Suggested by a Conversation with a Friend, On the Battle of Bannockburn
clear (label h):
The Reveille
dear (label u):
Homeward Bound
ear (label c):
Faith, Hope, and Charity
ear (label h):
Seedtime and Harvest
ensnare (label c1):
Book III. Ode 3
fear (label s):
The Stolen Dance
fear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
fear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
gear (label c):
Progress of Unbelief
here (label g):
The Tear
here (label o):
The Stolen Kiss
near (label h):
Seedtime and Harvest
near (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
prepare (label p):
Ode to Labour. (From Tait’s Magazine)
sphere (label o):
The Stolen Kiss
tear (label g):
The Tear
tear (label g):
The Tear
year (label f):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
clear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
dear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
dear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
ear (label f):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
ear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
ear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
ear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
fear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
fear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
fear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
hear (label f):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
hear (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
here (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
here (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
here (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
here (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
near (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
near (label r):
The Legend of Jubal
near (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
near (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
rear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers
rear (label t):
The Raid of the Kers