Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Carmagnole (label h):
Après nous le Déluge
Carmagnole (label p):
The Masquerade of Freedom
Pole (label i):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
Soul (label m2):
Down the River
bowl (label d):
To Thomas Campbell, Esq. An Expostulatory Epistle occasioned by the following passage in his Specimens of English Poetry
bowl (label j):
bowl (label n):
Sorrow is Dry
control (label g1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
control (label h):
The Nuptials of the Doge of Venice with the Adriatic Sea
goal (label b):
Invocation to the Memory of Sir William Wallace
goal (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
goal (label g1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
goal (label j):
To the Mocking Bird
goal (label w1):
The Dark Waggon
hole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
jowl (label z):
The Cavaliers’ March to London
pole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
pole (label i2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
pole (label j):
A Fisher-Boy
pole (label l2):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
pole (label m):
On the Church of Krisuvik in Iceland
scroll (label c):
scroll (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
shoal (label n2):
All’s Well
soul (label a1):
Robert Blake, General-at-Sea
soul (label c):
II. Ballad
soul (label c):
In a Gallery Portrait of a Lady (Unknown)
soul (label c):
soul (label c):
The Soul’s Oratorio
soul (label c):
XXXIII. The Medicean Venus
soul (label d):
Slumber. (From the Spanish)
soul (label d2):
A Story of Olden Time
soul (label e):
soul (label e1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
soul (label g):
Ascent of the Spirit
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
soul (label g1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
soul (label i):
A Common Grave in South Africa
soul (label i):
soul (label i1):
soul (label j):
soul (label j):
To the Mocking Bird
soul (label j1):
The Flower Girl of Savoy
soul (label k):
The Aurora On the Clyde. September 1850
soul (label k):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
soul (label l):
Insulæ Fortunatæ
soul (label l1):
The Silent Eve
soul (label m):
No VII. Midnight Wanderings
soul (label p1):
The Clearing of the Glens
soul (label r):
Poetical Portraits
soul (label r):
Poetical Portraits
soul (label s):
Wood Anemones
soul (label t):
Hymn to the Moon
soul (label v):
To Neæra
soul (label w):
The World’s Age
soul (label y):
troll (label g):
whole (label n):
Hymn IX
whole (label p):
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Pole (label i2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
bowl (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
bowl (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
bowl (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
bowl (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
coal (label c):
The Soul’s Oratorio
goal (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
goal (label e):
goal (label e):
goal (label i2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
hole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
pole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
roll (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
roll (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
roll (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
roll (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
roll (label r):
Poetical Portraits
roll (label r):
Poetical Portraits
scroll (label d):
Ode, Composed while the Sun was under Eclipse, 7th September, 1820
scroll (label i):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
soul (label c):
The Soul’s Oratorio
soul (label e):
soul (label e):
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
soul (label g1):
Ammergau: An Idyll
soul (label i):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
soul (label i2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
soul (label i2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
soul (label r):
Poetical Portraits
soul (label r):
Poetical Portraits
stole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
stole (label g):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos
whole (label g1):
Ammergau: An Idyll