Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
care (label f):
“Behave yoursell before folk”
fair (label f):
“Behave yoursell before folk”
hair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
mair (label d):
Song, The Scottish Emigrant’s Farewell
wear (label c):
The Hero
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
air (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
bare (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
fair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
hair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
hair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
hair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
hair (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”
stare (label b):
“Frae royal Wull that wears the crown”