Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Law (label c1):
In Praise of Youth
Law (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
Lochawe (label g):
Kenneth Macrae
Papa (label n):
Father Sycophant
ashore (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
awe (label c1):
In Praise of Youth
awe (label e):
The Golden Age
awe (label f):
St. Stephen’s
awe (label h):
A Dream
awe (label h2):
All’s Well
awe (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
awe (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
awe (label s):
A Sunday Pastoral
awe (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
brow (label z):
The Winds
claw (label f1):
The Boot. From the Italian of Giuseppe Giusti
draw (label k):
A Guernsey Tradition
draw (label k):
Lines on the Place de Jeanne d’Arc, at Rouen. Addressed to Samuel Prout, Esq.
draw (label l):
draw (label l2):
A Greek Pastoral
draw (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
flaw (label e):
By Private Post
floor (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
law (label a):
The Ignis Fatuus and the Fire
law (label a1):
The Tower of Erceldoune
law (label b):
Hymn II
law (label c):
No III. The Vision of Zechariah
law (label c):
The Blacksmith
law (label l3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
law (label t2):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
more (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
o’er (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
paw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
roar (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
store (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
straw (label a):
“Give It To Him.” An Incident of the Franco-Prussian War (Related by the Surgeon).
straw (label r):
Town Cats In The Country
withdraw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Bathsheba (label s):
A Sunday Pastoral
Law (label b):
Hymn II
Law (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
ava (label s):
A Sunday Pastoral
awe (label b):
Hymn II
awe (label f):
St. Stephen’s
awe (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
awe (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
braw (label s):
A Sunday Pastoral
brow (label z):
The Winds
draw (label k):
A Guernsey Tradition
draw (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
law (label f):
St. Stephen’s
law (label k):
A Guernsey Tradition
law (label s):
A Sunday Pastoral
now (label z):
The Winds
oar (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
paw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
roar (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
saw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
saw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
saw (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
saw (label r):
Ammergau: An Idyll
shore (label v):
Trips of the Lily of Bonchurch
withdraw (label m):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850