Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
hand (label f1):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
hand (label u):
The Captive Princess
land (label g):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
planned (label l):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
understand (label g):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
band (label u):
The Captive Princess
banned (label l):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle
command (label u):
The Captive Princess
hand (label u):
The Captive Princess
hand (label u):
The Captive Princess
hand (label u):
The Captive Princess
land (label u):
The Captive Princess
land (label u):
The Captive Princess
land (label u):
The Captive Princess
planned (label l):
Archy Tait—the Village Chronicle