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Despair (label p):
IV. Sketch in the Old Bailey. (From Life)
Trouvér (label b):
The Tea-Table
air (label b):
My Native Vale
air (label b):
The Tea-Table
air (label b):
The White Flowerâs Story
air (label d):
To a Friend Recently Lost. T. T.
air (label e):
One in Every Circle
air (label e):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
air (label h):
The Cowslip
air (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label m):
air (label s):
Hymn I
air (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
are (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
bare (label b1):
The White CrusadeâItaly 1860
bare (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
bear (label a):
bear (label c):
bear (label c1):
The Golden Bee
bear (label d):
bear (label d1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
bear (label f):
Canadian Loyalty. An Ode. [Written at Sunrise on New Yearâs Morning of 1850, at the head of Lake Ontario, in Western Canada]
bear (label f):
Ministering to Christ
bear (label f):
The Twin Sisters
bear (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
bear (label k):
The Dissipated Husband
bear (label s):
Poets and Poesy
bear (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
care (label b):
An Enigma. Addressed to the Ladies
care (label e):
One in Every Circle
care (label e):
âSabbath Restâ
care (label f):
Canadian Loyalty. An Ode. [Written at Sunrise on New Yearâs Morning of 1850, at the head of Lake Ontario, in Western Canada]
care (label f):
Ministering to Christ
care (label f):
Wasted Loves
care (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
care (label i):
The Beggarâs Dog
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label m):
care (label p):
IV. Sketch in the Old Bailey. (From Life)
care (label r):
care (label r):
chair (label l):
Walter and William
dare (label j):
The Crown of Roses
dare (label p):
declare (label h):
Fair Drinking
declare (label k):
Stella Maris
despair (label c):
despair (label d):
The Benefactress
fair (label b):
My Native Vale
fair (label b):
The Tea-Table
fair (label c):
fair (label d):
My Dream, Love
fair (label d):
The Little Girlâs Lament
fair (label d):
The Lone One
fair (label e):
I.âThe Daisy
fair (label e):
One in Every Circle
fair (label g):
The Lamentation of Granada for the Death of Celin
fair (label h):
When Night and Morning Meet
fair (label h):
When the Night and Morning Meet
fair (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
fair (label j):
fair (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
fair (label l):
Walter and William
fair (label n):
fair (label p):
fair (label t):
fair (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
fare (label g):
Ode to Poverty
fare (label l):
Walter and William
fare (label n):
Ode to Poverty
forbear (label c):
The Hungarian Joseph
glare (label f):
Non Satis
hair (label b):
The Tea-Table
hair (label r):
heir (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
pair (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
pair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
prayer (label e):
A Summer Memory
prayer (label h):
The Gentianella
prayer (label k1):
Sister Rose Gertrude
prepare (label j):
Two Love Stories
rare (label a):
True Gifts
rare (label c):
The Home of Affection
rare (label h):
When Night and Morning Meet
rare (label h):
When the Night and Morning Meet
repair (label d1):
repair (label h):
The Village Funeral
repair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
repair (label m):
Hymn IV
spare (label x):
stare (label e):
XXXI. The Tribune in the Florence Gallery
there (label b):
My Native Vale
there (label d):
My Dream, Love
there (label d):
The Death of King John
there (label d):
The Power of Love
there (label h):
The Gentianella
there (label i):
there (label k):
St. Stephenâs
there (label p):
there (label p):
IV. Sketch in the Old Bailey. (From Life)
there (label r):
Lines to a Little Boy
were (label h):
To Margaret
were (label r):
whomsoeâer (label t):
The South Wind
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Voltaire (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
air (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
air (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
air (label c):
The Hungarian Joseph
air (label c):
air (label c1):
The Golden Bee
air (label d):
The Death of King John
air (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
air (label h):
To Margaret
air (label h):
To Margaret
air (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
air (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
air (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
air (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
air (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
air (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
air (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
air (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
air (label k):
St. Stephenâs
air (label k):
St. Stephenâs
air (label l):
Walter and William
air (label l):
Walter and William
air (label s):
Poets and Poesy
bare (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
bare (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
bare (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
bear (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
bear (label c):
The Home of Affection
bear (label c):
bear (label d1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
bear (label h):
To Margaret
bear (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
bear (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
bear (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
bear (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
blare (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
bold (label h):
The Village Funeral
care (label f):
Canadian Loyalty. An Ode. [Written at Sunrise on New Yearâs Morning of 1850, at the head of Lake Ontario, in Western Canada]
care (label g):
Ode to Poverty
care (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
care (label h):
To Margaret
care (label h):
To Margaret
care (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
care (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
care (label k):
St. Stephenâs
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label l):
Walter and William
care (label r):
care (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
chair (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
chair (label l):
Walter and William
chair (label l):
Walter and William
chair (label l):
Walter and William
dare (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
dare (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
dare (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
dare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
dare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
dare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
dare (label y2):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
debonnair (label k):
St. Stephenâs
despair (label c):
The Hungarian Joseph
fair (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
fair (label b):
The Tea-Table
fair (label b):
The White Flowerâs Story
fair (label c1):
The Golden Bee
fair (label d):
The Little Girlâs Lament
fair (label d):
The Lone One
fair (label h):
To Margaret
fair (label h):
When Night and Morning Meet
fair (label h):
When the Night and Morning Meet
fair (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
fair (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
fair (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
fair (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
fair (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
fair (label l):
Walter and William
fair (label l):
Walter and William
fair (label l):
Walter and William
fare (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
fare (label l):
Walter and William
fare (label r):
forbear (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
hair (label c1):
The Golden Bee
hair (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
hair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
hair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
hair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
hair (label k):
Stella Maris
hair (label k):
Stella Maris
hair (label l):
Walter and William
hair (label l):
Walter and William
hare (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
hear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
hear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
hear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
heir (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
heir (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
heir (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
here (label c):
hold (label h):
The Village Funeral
pair (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
pair (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
pair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
pair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
pair (label l):
Walter and William
pair (label l):
Walter and William
prayer (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
prayer (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
prayer (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
prayer (label c):
The Home of Affection
prayer (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
prayer (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
prayer (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
rare (label d):
The Death of King John
rare (label h):
When Night and Morning Meet
rare (label h):
When the Night and Morning Meet
rare (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
rare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
rare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
rare (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
repair (label b):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
repair (label b):
The Tea-Table
repair (label f):
Canadian Loyalty. An Ode. [Written at Sunrise on New Yearâs Morning of 1850, at the head of Lake Ontario, in Western Canada]
repair (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
repair (label h):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
repair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
repair (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
share (label l):
Walter and William
share (label l):
Walter and William
spare (label g):
Ode to Poverty
spare (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
spare (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
stare (label j2):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
stare (label k):
St. Stephenâs
swear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
swear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
swear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
there (label b):
The White Flowerâs Story
there (label c):
there (label c1):
The Golden Bee
there (label d):
The Death of King John
there (label d):
The Death of King John
there (label d):
The Little Girlâs Lament
there (label d):
The Lone One
there (label d1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
there (label f):
Canadian Loyalty. An Ode. [Written at Sunrise on New Yearâs Morning of 1850, at the head of Lake Ontario, in Western Canada]
there (label h):
To Margaret
there (label h):
To Margaret
there (label h):
When Night and Morning Meet
there (label h):
When the Night and Morning Meet
there (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
there (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
there (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
there (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
there (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal
there (label j):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
there (label k):
St. Stephenâs
there (label k):
Stella Maris
there (label k):
Stella Maris
there (label l):
Walter and William
there (label l):
Walter and William
there (label l):
Walter and William
there (label l):
Walter and William
there (label s):
Poets and Poesy
upbear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
upbear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
upbear (label j):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
were (label g):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
year (label h1):
The Legend of Jubal