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Dead (label a):
A Lament for Summer
bed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
bed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
bed (label d):
Mendelssohn’s “Duetto” by Moonlight
bed (label d3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
bed (label f1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peter’s, January 6th, 1870
bed (label j):
The May Fly
bed (label j):
The Smith’s Wife
bled (label m):
The King of the Radical Islands. Written a little after the death of George IV
bred (label a):
The World of Love
bred (label a):
To Agatha
comforted (label j):
Walter and William
dead (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
dead (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
dead (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
dead (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
dead (label b):
dead (label b):
“I did this for Thee! What hast thou done for me?” (Motto placed under a Picture of our Saviour in the Study of a German Divine)
dead (label b):
“Not with the anguish of hearts that are breaking”
dead (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
dead (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
dead (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
dead (label d):
The Stream that Hurries By. An Unpublished Poem by the Author of “The Collegians”
dead (label e):
The Bier-Path
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label g):
The Return
dead (label j):
Cowper’s Lines on the Receipt of his Mother’s Picture
dead (label j):
The Noble Coward
dead (label j):
Walter and William
dead (label k2):
dead (label l):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song
dead (label m):
The King of the Radical Islands. Written a little after the death of George IV
dead (label n):
Holly and Mistletoe
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label s):
The Household Jewels
dead (label t):
The Barmaid
dead (label v):
dead (label v2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
deathbed (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
dread (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
erhead (label b):
Out of Eden
erhead (label h):
The Lost Expedition
erhead (label i):
erspread (label a):
The Village Funeral
fed (label b):
Out of Eden
fled (label a):
A Lament for Summer
fled (label b):
fled (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
fled (label i):
The Widower’s Dream
fled (label q):
The Philosopher and the Monkey
fled (label s):
To Neæra
head (label a):
III.—The Bird
head (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
head (label b):
head (label c):
The Improvisatrice
head (label c1):
Poetical Portraits
head (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
head (label d3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
head (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
head (label f):
On the Church of Krisuvik in Iceland
head (label f):
head (label f1):
head (label g):
The Song of Night
head (label h):
Under a Railway Arch
head (label j):
II.–The Snowdrop Monument (In Lichfield Cathedral)
head (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
head (label k):
head (label k):
The Burden of the Willows
head (label k):
head (label k2):
head (label l):
The Exile’s Wife to Her Sleeping Child
head (label m):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
head (label n1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
head (label q):
The Philosopher and the Monkey
head (label r):
The Lady of Provence
head (label t):
Marino Faliero Taking a Last Farewell of Angiolina (His Duchess)
head (label z):
Ammergau: An Idyll
head (label z):
Ammergau: An Idyll
instead (label h):
laid (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
lead (label j):
All the Year Round
led (label e):
The Waning Light
led (label j):
The Elder
led (label k):
led (label m):
His Little Shoes
led (label u1):
Household Christmas Carols
migrated (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
overhead (label d):
The Gloves
overhead (label v):
red (label b):
Out of Eden
red (label j):
Walter and William
red (label r):
The Lady of Provence
said (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
said (label a):
Across the Sea
said (label a):
III.—The Bird
said (label k):
The Burden of the Willows
said (label p):
Mary’s Mount
said (label r):
The Voice of Home to the Prodigal
sheltered (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
sped (label c1):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto III
spread (label a):
Across the Sea
spread (label b):
spread (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
spread (label c1):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto III
spread (label d3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
spread (label f):
spread (label i):
Summer Twilight
spread (label j):
The Elder
spread (label n):
At Sea. 1880
spread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
spread (label z):
Ammergau: An Idyll
tread (label a):
Across the Sea
tread (label w):
Poets and Poesy
unaltered (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
unsolicited (label a):
III.—The Bird
wed (label c):
Stanzas, Suggested by a Conversation with a Friend, On the Battle of Bannockburn
wed (label f):
Sonnet. To * * *
wed (label j):
Father Sycophant
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
astonished (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
bed (label a):
A Lament for Summer
bed (label a):
The Village Funeral
bed (label b):
Out of Eden
bed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
bed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
bed (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
bed (label d):
The Stream that Hurries By. An Unpublished Poem by the Author of “The Collegians”
bed (label e):
The Bier-Path
bed (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
bed (label j):
II.–The Snowdrop Monument (In Lichfield Cathedral)
bed (label j):
Walter and William
bed (label j):
Walter and William
bed (label j):
Walter and William
bed (label u1):
Household Christmas Carols
bled (label k2):
bread (label j):
Walter and William
bread (label z):
Ammergau: An Idyll
bred (label v2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
dead (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
dead (label a):
A Lament for Summer
dead (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
dead (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
dead (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
dead (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
dead (label b):
dead (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
dead (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
dead (label c1):
Poetical Portraits
dead (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
dead (label d):
The Stream that Hurries By. An Unpublished Poem by the Author of “The Collegians”
dead (label e):
The Bier-Path
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
dead (label f1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peter’s, January 6th, 1870
dead (label h):
The Lost Expedition
dead (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
dead (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
dead (label j):
Walter and William
dead (label j):
Walter and William
dead (label k2):
dead (label k2):
dead (label n):
At Sea. 1880
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label r):
The Lady of Provence
dead (label t):
The Barmaid
dread (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
dread (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
dread (label c1):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto III
dread (label c1):
Poetical Portraits
dread (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
dread (label k2):
dread (label n1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
erhead (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
finished (label j):
Walter and William
finished (label j):
Walter and William
fled (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
fled (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
fled (label b):
fled (label k2):
fled (label k2):
fled (label n1):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
fled (label r):
The Lady of Provence
fled (label r):
The Lady of Provence
fled (label r):
The Lady of Provence
fled (label t):
The Barmaid
head (label a):
A Greek Pastoral
head (label a):
A Lament for Summer
head (label a):
The Village Funeral
head (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
head (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
head (label b):
Out of Eden
head (label c1):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto III
head (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
head (label d3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
head (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
head (label f1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peter’s, January 6th, 1870
head (label j):
All the Year Round
head (label j):
II.–The Snowdrop Monument (In Lichfield Cathedral)
head (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
head (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
head (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
head (label j):
Walter and William
head (label j):
Walter and William
head (label j):
Walter and William
head (label j):
Walter and William
head (label j):
Walter and William
head (label k2):
head (label r):
The Lady of Provence
head (label r):
The Lady of Provence
head (label u1):
Household Christmas Carols
instead (label v2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
laid (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
led (label j):
The Elder
led (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
led (label v2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
overhead (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
overhead (label j):
Walter and William
overhead (label j):
Walter and William
read (label h):
The Lost Expedition
read (label j):
Walter and William
red (label m):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
red (label r):
The Lady of Provence
red (label r):
The Lady of Provence
red (label u1):
Household Christmas Carols
said (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
said (label b):
Out of Eden
said (label c1):
Daniel O’Rourke, An Epic Poem, in Six Cantos. Canto III
said (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
said (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
said (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
said (label d3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
said (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
said (label e):
The Elder’s Daughter
said (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
said (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
said (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
said (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
said (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label j):
Walter and William
said (label k2):
said (label v):
shed (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
shed (label a):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
shed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
shed (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
shed (label j):
The Elder
shed (label j):
The Elder
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
shed (label r):
The Lady of Provence
sped (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
spread (label c):
To the Memory of John Tait, Late Editor of the Liberator. Written at his Grave in the Necropolis, Glasgow
spread (label j):
All the Year Round
spread (label j):
The Elder
spread (label j):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
spread (label m):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
spread (label n):
At Sea. 1880
spread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
spread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
spread (label z):
Ammergau: An Idyll
tread (label a3):
Orpheus and Eurydice
tread (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tread (label j):
Walter and William
tread (label j):
Walter and William
tread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
tread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
tread (label r):
The Lady of Provence
tread (label v2):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
unwed (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
wed (label a1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
wed (label b):
Out of Eden
wed (label c1):
John and Joan, Canto II
wed (label d):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
wed (label v):