Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Mike (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
alike (label d5):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
bike (label t):
Thirty Bob a Week
like (label e4):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
like (label h):
The Friend of Greece
like (label n):
The Old Chartist
like (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
like (label q2):
A Sunday Pastoral
like (label t):
Thirty Bob a Week
like (label u):
Married Lovers
pike (label n):
The Old Chartist
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Mike (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
like (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
strike (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third
strike (label n3):
St. Stephen’s. Part Third