Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
afraid (label i):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
glade (label z):
The Silent Eve
made (label p):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
maid (label c):
The Village Funeral
obeyed (label m):
To Woman. From the Above
obeyed (label z):
The Silent Eve
obey’d (label p):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
said (label p):
The Wile of Juno. (Iliad 14; line 153-353)
shade (label z):
The Silent Eve
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
afraid (label i):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
afraid (label m):
To Woman. From the Above
made (label i):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
obeyed (label m):
To Woman. From the Above