Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Words rhymed with
Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
appears (label a1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
appears (label b):
appears (label c):
The Toilers’ Homes of England
appears (label i):
A Church-Yard Scene
appears (label k):
Ascent of the Spirit
appears (label m):
The Friar of Orders Gray
appears (label m):
To the Magdalen
appears (label o):
appears (label p):
In Memoriam. A. W. E., aged five years, who fell when at play, a distance of fifty-five feet, and was instantly killed
appears (label q):
Stanzas, On Reading an Account of the Re-Interment of King Robert Bruce
appears (label t):
Stabat Mater
appears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
bears (label w):
The Village Schoolmaster
cheers (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
cheers (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
cheers (label d):
The Dissipated Husband
cheers (label l1):
The Defence of Lucknow
disappears (label f):
The Golden Island: Arran from Ayr
disappears (label i):
Do Not Weep
disappears (label p1):
John and Joan, Canto II
ears (label c):
ears (label g):
Half the Year Round
ears (label h):
“If Thou Hadst Known”
ears (label v):
Ireland—1849. Winter Dirge
endears (label d):
Robert Burns
endears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
fears (label a):
She and I
fears (label a):
fears (label a):
The Maiden’s Lover
fears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
fears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
fears (label a):
To-Day and Yesterday
fears (label a):
“Ah! word that’s born amidst our blinding tears”
fears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
fears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
fears (label b):
To Victor Hugo
fears (label b):
“I Am So Happy!”
fears (label c):
fears (label c):
fears (label c):
To M. W.
fears (label c1):
Moses Saved from the Waters. (From Victor Hugo)
fears (label e):
To Our Etty
fears (label f):
Domestic Peace
fears (label g2):
The Novel—A Satire
fears (label i):
A Church-Yard Scene
fears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
fears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
fears (label k):
fears (label k):
fears (label l):
Homeward Bound
fears (label m):
fears (label n):
Aileen’s Song
fears (label o):
fears (label o):
The Legend of La Brea
fears (label p1):
John and Joan, Canto II
fears (label q1):
A Lark’s Flight
fears (label r):
“He’s Risen!”
fears (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
fears (label t):
Half the Year Round
fears (label w):
A Fisher-Boy
fusileers (label l1):
The Defence of Lucknow
gondoliers (label i):
Classic Ground
hears (label a):
To-Day and Yesterday
hears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
hears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
hears (label c):
Sonnet on the Death of his Late Majesty
hears (label h):
To an Early Spring Day
hears (label p):
Ammergau: An Idyll
hears (label t):
The Golden Bee
jeers (label g):
The Prisoner of War
nears (label b):
The Burden of the Willows
peers (label b):
The Burden of the Willows
peers (label b):
The King of Thule. From Goethe
peers (label b):
To Victor Hugo
pierce (label e1):
The Vision of the Isles of Immortality and Death
rears (label f):
IV. To A Lover of Flowers
rears (label j):
To —
spears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
spears (label h):
spears (label l):
The Voices in the Fir Wood
spears (label t):
The Ballad of the Last Suttee
spears (label w):
spheres (label f1):
The Clouds
spheres (label g):
Hymn XV
spheres (label j):
God Help Our Men at Sea
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tiers (label y3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
uprears (label e1):
The Vision of the Isles of Immortality and Death
uprears (label p):
Elegy I
wears (label o):
Vanity of Riches
years (label a):
She and I
years (label a):
The Abbess of Marlow
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
To-Day and Yesterday
years (label a):
“Ah! word that’s born amidst our blinding tears”
years (label a1):
Poor Margaret
years (label b):
After Ten Years
years (label b):
Coming Home
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
years (label b):
To Victor Hugo
years (label c):
An Autumn Birthday
years (label c):
years (label c):
years (label c):
Horrida Bella
years (label c):
My Will
years (label c):
My Will
years (label c):
Requiescat in Pace
years (label c):
Sonnet on the Death of his Late Majesty
years (label c):
The Absent Ship
years (label c):
Venice Unvisited
years (label d):
A Kiss
years (label d):
Lines to a Little Boy
years (label d):
Only a Word!
years (label d):
Question and Answer
years (label d):
Question and Answer
years (label d):
years (label d):
She Sang
years (label d):
The Dead Poet
years (label d):
The Mother’s Heart
years (label d):
Via Umbræ
years (label d):
“Far off my dream, and yet unearthly fair”
years (label d1):
The Barmaid
years (label e):
years (label e):
I—The Frontier
years (label e):
Not Mourn for Thee?
years (label e):
The Border Land
years (label e):
The First Gray Hair
years (label e):
True or False?
years (label e1):
Mumal and Mendra. A Legend of Scinde
years (label f):
Evening Guests
years (label f):
I. To a Lady Reading “The Prisoner of Chillon” in preference to “Childe Harold”
years (label f):
One in Every Circle
years (label f):
The Waters of Oblivion
years (label f):
Winter Morning
years (label g):
A Woman’s Wisdom
years (label g):
years (label g):
Lines Suggested by the Greek Massacre
years (label g):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peter’s, January 6th, 1870
years (label g):
years (label g):
“Home they brought her warrior dead”
years (label g):
“There rolls He now, majestic, broad, and free”
years (label h):
A Prisoner of Hope
years (label h):
Marino Faliero Taking a Last Farewell of Angiolina (His Duchess)
years (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
years (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
years (label i):
Her Bridal
years (label i):
On the Death of a Little Girl Two Years’ Old
years (label i):
Until the Day dawn
years (label j):
God Help Our Men at Sea
years (label j):
The Cry of the Lonely
years (label j):
To —
years (label j1):
A Tale of the Tower
years (label k):
At the River’s Edge
years (label k):
years (label k):
The River
years (label l):
Homeward Bound
years (label l):
Pictures in the Fire
years (label l):
Wood Anemones
years (label m):
Once Upon a Time
years (label m):
years (label m):
years (label m):
The Miniature
years (label m):
“Carpe Diem”
years (label m):
“The bark that held a prince went down”
years (label m2):
Walter and William
years (label n):
Shadow Thoughts
years (label n):
The Lone One
years (label n):
The Return
years (label n):
To a Picture of the Madonna
years (label o):
A Night Watch
years (label o):
years (label o):
Westminster Abbey
years (label p):
Tom and Kitty
years (label q):
Life and Death
years (label q):
Stanzas, On Reading an Account of the Re-Interment of King Robert Bruce
years (label q):
The World’s Age
years (label q1):
A Lark’s Flight
years (label q1):
A Lay of Fairyland, (From a Volume of Poems by John Wilson, now in the Press)
years (label r):
II.–The Snowdrop Monument (In Lichfield Cathedral)
years (label r):
The Last Night of the Year
years (label r1):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
years (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
years (label t):
The Golden Bee
years (label t):
The Golden Bee
years (label t):
years (label u):
By a Poet’s Grave
years (label u):
The Lady’s Dilemma
years (label u1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
years (label u1):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
years (label u1):
To a Wounded Ptarmigan
years (label v):
The Death of the Dove
years (label v):
The Railway Station
years (label v):
The Railway Station
years (label w1):
My Maid Marian
years (label w1):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
years (label x):
years (label x):
years (label y):
Charles-Edward After Culloden
years (label y3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
years (label y3):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
years (label z):
years (label z):
Paris, December, 1870. The Voice of the Night
years (label z1):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Spheres (label u):
The Lady’s Dilemma
appears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
appears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
appears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
cheers (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
ears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
ears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
ears (label g):
Lines Suggested by the Greek Massacre
ears (label r1):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
ears (label u):
The Lady’s Dilemma
ears (label u1):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec
endears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
fears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
fears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
fears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
fears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
fears (label l):
Homeward Bound
fears (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
hears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
hears (label t):
The Golden Bee
peers (label g2):
The Novel—A Satire
spears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
spears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
spheres (label r1):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
steers (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
steers (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tears (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
tears (label c):
My Will
tears (label c):
My Will
tears (label d):
Question and Answer
tears (label d):
Question and Answer
tears (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
tears (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
tears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
tears (label j):
Address to the Enslaved Millions
tears (label l):
Homeward Bound
tears (label l):
Homeward Bound
tears (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
tears (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
tears (label t):
The Golden Bee
tears (label t):
The Golden Bee
tears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
tears (label v):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label a):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label b):
Household Christmas Carols
years (label c):
My Will
years (label c):
My Will
years (label d):
Question and Answer
years (label d):
Question and Answer
years (label g):
Lines Suggested by the Greek Massacre
years (label g2):
The Novel—A Satire
years (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
years (label h):
The Black and the White Slave
years (label l):
Homeward Bound
years (label t):
Domine, Quo Vadis?
years (label t):
The Golden Bee
years (label u1):
The Two Margarets. II.—Margaret in the Xebec