Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Amen (label b):
A Lost Chord
Amen (label w1):
Englishmen (label y):
The Raid of the Kers
Magdalen (label d):
Pallas and the Centaur. After a Picture by Botticelli
again (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
again (label c):
âDrew the wrong lever!â
again (label d):
The Lament of the Irish Emigrant
again (label d2):
Walter and William
again (label e):
again (label e):
again (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
again (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
again (label h1):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
again (label k2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
again (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
again (label m):
again (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
again (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
again (label o):
again (label o1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peterâs, January 6th, 1870
again (label z):
The Devilâs Last Walk
agen (label b):
been (label m):
The Dissipated Husband
cyclamen (label c):
No News from the War
den (label c):
To the Ladies
den (label f1):
The Visit to the Lions
den (label o):
Elegy Composed on the Field of Pinkie
den (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
fen (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
fen (label m):
The Two Margarets. I.âMargaret by the Mere Side
fen (label r1):
The Two Margarets. II.âMargaret in the Xebec
glen (label a2):
The Shepherd Poet of the Alps
glen (label d):
glen (label j):
The Snowdropâs Call
glen (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
glen (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
hen (label h1):
The Old Chartist
ken (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
ken (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
ken (label w):
In Praise of Youth
ken (label x):
The Toad
men (label a):
Only for Something to Say
men (label a1):
From Home to Home
men (label a1):
âLady Morison rode by hill and daleâ
men (label b):
Lines Suggested by the Greek Massacre
men (label b):
men (label b):
Two Points of View
men (label b2):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
men (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
men (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
men (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
men (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
men (label c):
men (label c1):
Sabbath Peace
men (label d):
men (label e):
Lines on the Sale of the Black Arab, The Gift of the Imaum of Muscat
men (label e):
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava. October 25th, 1854
men (label f):
Long Ago
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label g):
She and I
men (label g):
âLook here, and ponder well, and know the landâ
men (label h):
Conflict and Victory
men (label h):
The Secret Mourner
men (label i):
men (label i):
The Old Coinâs Teaching
men (label j):
Down the River
men (label j):
Long Ago
men (label j2):
men (label j4):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
men (label l):
A Cloister Legend
men (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
men (label l):
men (label l1):
Torquil and Oona
men (label m):
A Spanish Anecdote
men (label n):
The Lascar Crew
men (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
men (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
men (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
men (label o):
The Burden of the Willows
men (label o):
The Spirit of the Times
men (label o1):
Simon the Cyrenian. A Christian Ballad
men (label o1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peterâs, January 6th, 1870
men (label o1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peterâs, January 6th, 1870
men (label p1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
men (label r):
Wood Anemones
men (label s):
âA Time to Dance!â
men (label t):
The Candidateâs Garland. An Excellent New Song
men (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
men (label u):
The Lay of the Lady and the Hound
men (label v):
Requiescat in Pace
men (label v2):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
men (label w):
Hymn VI
men (label w):
In Praise of Youth
men (label w):
In Praise of Youth
men (label w):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
men (label w):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
men (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
men (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
men (label x):
Maryâs Mount
men (label z):
A Sea-Side Reverie
pen (label a1):
By the Mere
plain (label m):
strain (label l):
sustain (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
ten (label c):
A Ballade of the Prince of All
then (label w):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
then (label w):
The Mistake. (An Old Gem Reset)
train (label l):
when (label g):
She and I
when (label j):
âTell me not Nowâ
when (label o):
To the Mocking Bird
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Amen (label b):
A Lost Chord
Amen (label d2):
Walter and William
again (label b):
A Lost Chord
again (label d2):
Walter and William
again (label e):
again (label e):
again (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
again (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
again (label j):
Down the River
again (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
again (label l):
again (label l):
again (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
again (label o1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peterâs, January 6th, 1870
again (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
children (label b2):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
den (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
fen (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
fen (label y):
The Raid of the Kers
forgotten (label b2):
The Ballad of Richard Burnell
gain (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
gentlemen (label y):
The Raid of the Kers
given (label l):
glen (label d):
glen (label j):
Down the River
glen (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
glen (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
glen (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
heaven (label l):
ken (label e):
Lines on the Sale of the Black Arab, The Gift of the Imaum of Muscat
ken (label v2):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
ken (label w):
In Praise of Youth
men (label c1):
Sabbath Peace
men (label d):
men (label e):
Lines on the Sale of the Black Arab, The Gift of the Imaum of Muscat
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
men (label l):
Kenneth Macrae
men (label l):
men (label l):
men (label n3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem. (Concluded from No. 6)
men (label o1):
The Translation of Faith. St. Peterâs, January 6th, 1870
men (label p1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
men (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
men (label v2):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
men (label w):
In Praise of Youth
men (label w):
In Praise of Youth
men (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
men (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
pain (label p1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
pain (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
pen (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
rein (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
stain (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
strain (label l):
then (label d):
then (label d):
then (label e):
then (label e):
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label f):
St. Stephenâs. Part Third
then (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
then (label g):
The Little Girlâs Lament
then (label l):
then (label l):
then (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
then (label m):
The Coming of the Dark
then (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
then (label u):
A Tale of the Tower
then (label w):
In Praise of Youth
then (label w):
In Praise of Youth
then (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
then (label w3):
St. Stephenâs. Part Second
train (label l):
train (label t):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
when (label c1):
Sabbath Peace