Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
adieu (label e):
“‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever’”
anew (label b):
At War
blue (label a):
Sunset, after Rain
blue (label b):
The Evening Star
blue (label b):
blue (label b):
V.—The Violet’s Grave
blue (label c):
A Maiden’s Message
blue (label d):
In the Pine-Woods
blue (label d):
The Australian Dying Year
blue (label e):
Recollections of the Arabian Nights
blue (label e):
The Mariner’s Cave
blue (label e):
V.—Darling Dolly
blue (label f):
Sweetbrier Lane
blue (label h1):
To the Bust of My Son Charles
blue (label i):
The Blackbird
blue (label r):
blue (label v):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
blue (label z):
No VII. Midnight Wanderings
brow (label b):
V.—Early Autumn
coo (label f2):
Sir Eliduc. A Lay of Marie
crew (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
crew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
dew (label a):
A Summer Day
dew (label a):
Press On. A Rivulet’s Song
dew (label a):
“These to His Mem’ry since He Held them Dear”
dew (label b):
A Morning Song
dew (label b):
At War
dew (label b):
dew (label e):
XII. The Bard’s Wish
dew (label f):
A Lark’s Flight
dew (label f):
dew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
dew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
do (label b):
do (label f):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
do (label f1):
The Rabbit and the Teal. (From the French)
do (label k):
A Cottage Memory
drew (label b):
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
drew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
drew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
due (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
few (label a):
The Tailor’s Wife
few (label d):
Epitaph on Dyonisia
few (label d):
The Song of An Owl
flew (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
flew (label d):
The Song of An Owl
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
flew (label t):
God’s Singer
flew (label v):
Sir Self and Womankind
glow (label c):
grew (label c):
grew (label g):
A Letter in Black
hue (label a1):
Poets and Poesy
hue (label b):
All’s Well
hue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
hue (label f):
The Lost Expedition
hue (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
hue (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
knew (label b):
To Our Etty
knew (label d):
The Song of An Owl
knew (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
knew (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
knew (label i):
The Blackbird
knew (label t):
God’s Singer
knew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
knew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
new (label d):
The Song of An Owl
new (label o):
Who Rolled the Powder In? A Lay of the Gunpowder Plot
plough (label d):
The Hero
pursue (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
renew (label t):
God’s Singer
strew (label b):
Parting Words
threw (label y1):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
through (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
through (label f):
The Stolen Kiss
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
through (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
to (label l2):
Poor Margaret
too (label d):
The Dusty Miller. Told to a Pet Lamb
too (label q):
The Village Church
true (label b):
At War
true (label c):
A Maiden’s Message
true (label d):
true (label d):
The Hero
true (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
true (label e):
The Bullfight of Ganzul
true (label j):
True or False?
true (label n):
Pictures in the Fire
true (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
true (label r):
true (label t):
God’s Singer
two (label a):
“Since my lover ceased to woo”
two (label d):
The Song of An Owl
two (label d):
Tom and Kitty
two (label e):
two (label e1):
The Raid of the Kers
two (label i1):
Kit Carson’s Ride
undo (label b):
V.—Early Autumn
view (label b):
The Evening Star
view (label b):
view (label d):
The Hero
view (label d):
The Song of An Owl
view (label d):
To Those Who Fail
view (label g):
Song of a Returned Exile
view (label k):
The Battle of Cressy. A Reading
view (label l):
A Sketch in Water-Colours (To a Friend in the South)
view (label m):
Faith’s Question
withdrew (label b):
All’s Well
withdrew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
withdrew (label x1):
A Story of Olden Time
woo (label a):
“Since my lover ceased to woo”
woo (label b):
V.—Early Autumn
you (label b):
To Our Etty
you (label d):
The Dusty Miller. Told to a Pet Lamb
you (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
you (label f):
The Balance Sheet
you (label f):
To a Bunch of Lilac
you (label l):
A Sketch in Water-Colours (To a Friend in the South)
you (label m):
Only for Something to Say
you (label t):
The Dwarf and the Oak Tree. A Vision of 1850
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
Carew (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
adieu (label b):
All’s Well
ado (label e):
The Mariner’s Cave
ado (label i1):
Kit Carson’s Ride
alive (label e1):
The Raid of the Kers
anew (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
anew (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
blue (label b):
All’s Well
blue (label d):
blue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
blue (label f):
To a Bunch of Lilac
blue (label g):
A Letter in Black
blue (label i):
The Blackbird
blue (label v):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
blue (label y1):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
cleuch (label e1):
The Raid of the Kers
coo (label e):
The Mariner’s Cave
crew (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
crew (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
dew (label c):
dew (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
dew (label e):
V.—Darling Dolly
do (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
do (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
do (label d):
Tom and Kitty
do (label f):
The Balance Sheet
do (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
do (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
do (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
do (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
do (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
drew (label b):
drew (label c):
drew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
drew (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
due (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
due (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
few (label a1):
Poets and Poesy
few (label j):
True or False?
flew (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
flew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
flew (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
flew (label t):
God’s Singer
grew (label b):
All’s Well
grew (label b):
All’s Well
grew (label b):
All’s Well
grew (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
grew (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
hue (label b):
All’s Well
hue (label d):
hue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
hue (label g):
Song of a Returned Exile
hue (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
knew (label b):
All’s Well
knew (label b):
knew (label c):
knew (label i):
The Blackbird
knew (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
knew (label t):
God’s Singer
knew (label t):
God’s Singer
knew (label t):
God’s Singer
know (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
new (label a1):
Poets and Poesy
new (label d):
In the Pine-Woods
new (label e):
V.—Darling Dolly
pursue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
pursue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
pursue (label i1):
Kit Carson’s Ride
renew (label b):
All’s Well
renew (label t):
God’s Singer
shew (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
show (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
shrew (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
slew (label m1):
Gunnar’s Death. After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
strew (label e):
The Mariner’s Cave
threw (label g):
A Letter in Black
threw (label g):
Song of a Returned Exile
thrive (label e1):
The Raid of the Kers
through (label i):
The Blackbird
through (label i):
The Blackbird
through (label t):
God’s Singer
through (label t):
God’s Singer
too (label d):
In the Pine-Woods
too (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
too (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
too (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
too (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
too (label d):
Tom and Kitty
too (label f):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
too (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
true (label b):
true (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
true (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
true (label e):
The Mariner’s Cave
true (label e1):
The Raid of the Kers
true (label f):
The Balance Sheet
true (label f):
The Balance Sheet
true (label j):
True or False?
true (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
true (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
true (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
true (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
true (label t):
God’s Singer
true (label t):
God’s Singer
true (label t):
God’s Singer
true (label y1):
De Quincey’s Revenge. A Ballad in Three Fittes
two (label i):
“Lady Morison rode by hill and dale”
two (label m):
Only for Something to Say
two (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
untrue (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
untrue (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
view (label b):
All’s Well
view (label c1):
Orpheus and Eurydice
view (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
view (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
view (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
view (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
view (label f):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
view (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
view (label q):
Sir Walter’s Honor
view (label t):
God’s Singer
view (label t):
God’s Singer
view (label v):
Lines Addressed to a Friend From the Vicinity of Abbotsford
whereunto (label n):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
who (label f):
To a Bunch of Lilac
withdrew (label t):
God’s Singer
withdrew (label t):
God’s Singer
you (label d):
In the Pine-Woods
you (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
you (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
you (label d):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
you (label f):
The Balance Sheet
you (label f):
To a Bunch of Lilac
you (label f):
To a Bunch of Lilac
you (label m):
Only for Something to Say
you (label q1):
Nelson. An Old Man-O’-War’s-Man’s Yarn
you (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
you (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses
you (label r):
The Eggs and the Horses