Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
assail (label e):
assail (label v):
“He’s Risen!”
dale (label o):
The Year of Sorrow.—Ireland—1849. Spring Song
fail (label b):
The Sirens
fail (label g):
The Lady of Provence
fail (label k):
Mary’s Birthday
gale (label a):
Anacreontics. I
gale (label q):
The Triad
hail (label b):
The Sirens
hail (label c2):
A Ballad of a Nun
hail (label s):
I.–A Walk to Acrington on the Fourth of March. (Written for a Friend’s Birthday)
mail (label z1):
A Sunday Pastoral
nightingale (label e):
nightingale (label g):
Morning and Evening
pale (label a):
Anacreontics. I
pale (label e):
Watching and Wishing
pale (label h):
Choosing the Mistletoe
pale (label o):
A Carol For My Son
pale (label o):
pale (label u):
Paris, December, 1870. The Voice of the Night
pale (label z):
The Captive Princess
sail (label q):
The Triad
tale (label b):
A Greek Pastoral
tale (label d):
“It was the day that tuneful Pindar sent”
tale (label i):
The Lamentation of Granada for the Death of Celin
wail (label a):
Anacreontics. I
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
mail (label g):
The Lady of Provence
mail (label i):
The Lamentation of Granada for the Death of Celin
mail (label z):
The Captive Princess
pale (label b):
A Greek Pastoral
pale (label g):
The Lady of Provence
pale (label i):
The Lamentation of Granada for the Death of Celin
prevail (label z):
The Captive Princess
sail (label b):
A Greek Pastoral