Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Aguillār (label h):
The Death of Don Alonzo of Aguilar
Czar (label d):
The Circassian War-Song
Czar (label m):
The Modern Argonauts
Czar (label s):
Whig and Tory. A Metrical Meditation
Czar (label w):
On Poland
Dunbar (label p):
The Dark Waggon
Star (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
Tar (label g):
God Save the King
Tartar (label n1):
Trafalgar (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
afar (label a):
The Storms and Stars of March
afar (label c1):
afar (label e):
The Prisoner of War
afar (label e):
The Prisoner of War
afar (label g1):
Hymn II
afar (label j):
Lines on the Sale of the Black Arab, The Gift of the Imaum of Muscat
afar (label k):
John and Joan, Canto II
afar (label l):
The Winds
afar (label p):
The Dark Waggon
afar (label t):
The Wild Rose
afar (label x):
Kenneth Macrae
are (label n1):
are (label o3):
The Sleep of the Hyacinth. An Egyptian Poem
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
astore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
bar (label t):
Book Fourth, Ode Second
before (label h):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
before (label o):
car (label c3):
The Youth of England to Garibaldi’s Legion
car (label e):
“Oh thou whose plebeian brow”
car (label j):
Scraps of Italy
car (label m):
Ode to an Eagle
car (label o):
The Saga of King Hjörward’s Death
car (label r):
My Scottish Boy
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
far (label a):
The Soul’s Oratorio
far (label b):
The Prayer of the Women
far (label c):
Elegy XXVII. Book II
far (label e):
Altabiscar. From the Basque
far (label e):
The Mountain of Gold
far (label e):
Times and Manners
far (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
far (label l):
The First Morning of 1860
for (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
for (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
gleam (label v1):
The Lady of Provence
guitar (label v):
The Improvisatrice
jar (label j):
The Veteran Tar
mar (label e):
Hymn XIV
mar (label m):
more (label o):
o’er (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
par (label s):
Whig and Tory. A Metrical Meditation
scar (label i1):
Old King Hake
scar (label u):
The Rabbit and the Teal. (From the French)
scimitar (label n):
Robert Blake, General-at-Sea
scymitar (label v1):
The Lady of Provence
sear (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
seem (label v1):
The Lady of Provence
shore (label f):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
star (label b1):
star (label e):
Heimkehr (the Return). From the German of Emmanuel Geibel
star (label e):
Hymn XIV
star (label g):
“Sand, sand, long leagues of heath and barren sand!”
star (label h):
Ballad VI. The Cameronian Banner
star (label k):
John and Joan, Canto II
star (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
star (label m1):
Ode to Poverty
star (label p1):
Ode to Poverty
tar (label j):
The Veteran Tar
wantoner (label c):
Book III. Ode 13
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Star (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
Star (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
Star (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
Trafalgar (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
War (label l):
The First Morning of 1860
War (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
War (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
War (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
afar (label e):
The Mountain of Gold
afar (label e):
The Prisoner of War
afar (label e):
The Prisoner of War
afar (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
afar (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
are (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
astore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
astore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
before (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
before (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
before (label o):
bore (label h):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
door (label h):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
durbar (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
far (label e):
The Mountain of Gold
far (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
far (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
far (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
far (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
far (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
far (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
floor (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
for (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
inshore (label f):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
lore (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
mar (label l):
The First Morning of 1860
more (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
more (label f):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
more (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
more (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
more (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
more (label o):
roar (label h):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
roar (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
score (label f):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
sear (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
shore (label f):
Ballad of Foulweather Jack
shore (label m1):
The Legend of Jubal
sore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
star (label e):
The Mountain of Gold
star (label e):
The Mountain of Gold
star (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
star (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
star (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
store (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
swore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
swore (label a):
Irish Ballad. Colleen Oge Astore
tore (label h):
Lily the Fair, and the Big Brown Bear. A Tale for the Little and Good
war (label e):
The Prisoner of War
war (label e):
The Prisoner of War
war (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
war (label g):
Ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England
war (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
war (label i):
Lock-and-Bar. A Botany Bay Eclogue
war (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
war (label k):
The Prophecy of the Last Druid
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
war (label r):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest