Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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braves (label h):
The Invincible Armada
braves (label k):
Venice Unvisited
braves (label p1):
caves (label a1):
Destruction of Babylon
caves (label a1):
The Camera-Obscura. A Sunday Morning Lecture
caves (label b):
“Am Meer.” (Schubert)
caves (label c):
“From this deep chasm—where quivering sun-beams play”
caves (label d):
The Dream
caves (label h1):
The Demoniac: A Poem in Seven Chapters
caves (label m):
The Knight’s Lament
caves (label n):
caves (label n4):
St. Stephen’s. Part Second
caves (label o):
The Voice of Spring
caves (label q):
A Farewell to Naples
caves (label x):
A Sea-Side Reverie
craves (label h1):
Pictures in the Fire
enslaves (label d):
By Night
graves (label a):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
graves (label a1):
The Camera-Obscura. A Sunday Morning Lecture
graves (label a1):
The Modern Argonauts
graves (label a2):
graves (label f):
graves (label f1):
The Song of the Willi. A Ballad
graves (label g):
Classic Ground
graves (label g):
The Deserted Churchyard
graves (label g):
The Soul’s Oratorio
graves (label k):
Hymn VI
graves (label k):
Venice Unvisited
graves (label n):
graves (label o):
Under the Mango
graves (label o1):
The Golden Bee
graves (label q1):
Hymn II
graves (label x1):
Poor Margaret
heaves (label i):
Book III. Ode 27
leaves (label d):
raves (label b):
“Am Meer.” (Schubert)
raves (label w):
Torquil and Oona
raves (label x1):
slaves (label c):
“From this deep chasm—where quivering sun-beams play”
slaves (label f):
“Give Us this Day our Daily Bread”
slaves (label q):
Poetical Portraits
slaves (label x):
David Gwynn—Hero or “Boasting Liar”? (From “Historical Problems”)
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
braves (label a):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
caves (label a):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII