Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Mary (label o):
Two Love Stories
Tipperary (label r):
The Devil’s Last Walk
breery (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
cheery (label g):
The Age of Harmony
dearie (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
dreary (label a):
Conflict and Victory
dreary (label a):
Songs for the People. No. IV
dreary (label a):
“Why art thou cast down, O my soul?”
dreary (label b2):
The Mystery
dreary (label c2):
The Revelation
dreary (label e):
A Song in a Shower
dreary (label e):
dreary (label f):
dreary (label j):
In the Evening
eerie (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
eerie (label r):
The Legend of Little Pearl
fairy (label c):
Spike Island. A Legend
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
near ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
breery (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
cheery (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
cheery (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
dearie (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
dreary (label c2):
The Revelation
eerie (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
eerie (label c2):
The Revelation
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
fear ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
near ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
near ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
near ye (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
weary (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”
weary (label b):
“Oh, my lassie, our joy to complete again”