Digital Victorian Periodical Poetry
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Rhymes in the same stanza or speech
Paradise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
Paradise (label e):
Principalities (label f1):
The Lady’s Dilemma
anatomise (label e):
The Philosopher and the Monkey
arise (label g):
Early April
cries (label a):
XLIV. “Speak not, but mutely think !—the cynic cries”
cries (label x2):
The Burning of Njal. A Canto After the Icelandic of Njals Saga
despise (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
destinies (label e):
To Portia at Belmont
destinies (label f):
devise (label c):
dies (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
dies (label e):
The Philosopher and the Monkey
dies (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
dies (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
disguise (label b):
disguise (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
dyes (label g):
Early April
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
exercise (label g):
The Devil’s Last Walk
exercise (label u):
A Lark’s Flight
eyes (label a):
Sonnet on the Nonpareil
eyes (label b):
eyes (label b):
The Chess-Board
eyes (label b):
The Chess-Board
eyes (label b):
Two Little Books
eyes (label b):
Two Little Books
eyes (label c):
Angels In The Air
eyes (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
eyes (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
eyes (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
eyes (label f):
eyes (label f):
Little Children
eyes (label f1):
The Lady’s Dilemma
eyes (label g):
Early April
eyes (label g):
The Visit to the Lions
eyes (label h):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
eyes (label i1):
Household Christmas Carols
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label k):
A Comforter
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label m):
On a Sprig of Heath
eyes (label m):
eyes (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
eyes (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
eyes (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
eyes (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
eyes (label v):
St. Stephen’s
eyes (label w):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
eyes (label z):
Captain Ortis’ Booty: a Ballad
eyes (label z2):
The Tea-Table
flies (label a):
Sonnet on the Nonpareil
flies (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
flies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
guise (label j1):
The Masquerade of Freedom
immortalities (label a1):
lies (label b):
lies (label f):
Little Children
lies (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
lies (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
lies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
merchandize (label m):
A Christmas Song
moralities (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
mysteries (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
prize (label c):
Angels In The Air
prize (label e):
The Unfinished Poem
prize (label m):
She and I
replies (label b):
replies (label h2):
Sir Eliduc. A Lay of Marie
rise (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
rise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
rise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
rise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
rise (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
rise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
sacrifice (label e):
The Temple of Folly
sighs (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
sighs (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
size (label a):
Sonnet on the Nonpareil
skies (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
skies (label b):
The Chess-Board
skies (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
skies (label e2):
Constance De V—. An Episode in the Early Life of Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand
skies (label i1):
Household Christmas Carols
skies (label v):
St. Stephen’s
sophistries (label c):
The Holly Tree
surprise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
surprise (label f1):
The Lady’s Dilemma
surprise (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
surprise (label k):
A Comforter
surprise (label z):
The “Poste Restante.”—A Reverie
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
vanities (label n1):
vanities (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
wise (label q):
Faristan and Fatima. An Oriental Legend, Done into his mother tongue by E. A. Bowring
Rhymes in other stanzas or speeches
Christianise (label i1):
Household Christmas Carols
Paradise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
Paradise (label e):
The Unfinished Poem
Paradise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
Paradise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
Paradise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
anywise (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
arise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
blasphemies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
cries (label b):
cries (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
cries (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
cries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
cries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
cries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
cries (label u):
A Lark’s Flight
defies (label v):
St. Stephen’s
denies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
denies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
denies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
despise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
despise (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
dies (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
dies (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
dies (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
dies (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
dies (label n1):
disguise (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
disguise (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
emprise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
emprise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
enemies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
eyes (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
eyes (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
eyes (label b):
eyes (label b):
eyes (label b):
The Chess-Board
eyes (label b):
The Chess-Board
eyes (label b):
Two Little Books
eyes (label b):
Two Little Books
eyes (label c):
The Holly Tree
eyes (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
eyes (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
eyes (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
eyes (label f):
Little Children
eyes (label g):
The Devil’s Last Walk
eyes (label h):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
eyes (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
eyes (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
eyes (label k):
A Comforter
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
eyes (label m):
She and I
eyes (label n1):
eyes (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
eyes (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
eyes (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
eyes (label v):
St. Stephen’s
eyes (label v):
St. Stephen’s
eyes (label v):
St. Stephen’s
eyes (label w):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
eyes (label w):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
eyes (label z2):
The Tea-Table
faculties (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
flies (label a1):
flies (label b):
flies (label m):
She and I
gallantries (label z2):
The Tea-Table
guise (label h):
In the Fourth Watch of the Night. St. Matthew xiv. 22-33
guise (label v):
St. Stephen’s
lies (label a1):
lies (label b):
lies (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
lies (label e):
The Unfinished Poem
lies (label f):
Little Children
lies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
lies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
lies (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
lies (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
lies (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
merchandise (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
moralities (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
moralize (label c):
The Holly Tree
mysteries (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
perplexities (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
perplexities (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
plies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
plies (label u):
A Lark’s Flight
pluralize (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
recognise (label i1):
Household Christmas Carols
rise (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
rise (label b):
rise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
rise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
rise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
rise (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
rise (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
rise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
rise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
rise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
rise (label m):
She and I
rise (label u):
The Mariner’s Cave
rise (label v):
St. Stephen’s
rise (label w):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
sacrifice (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
sacrifice (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
sighs (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
sighs (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
sighs (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
sighs (label v):
St. Stephen’s
size (label i1):
Household Christmas Carols
skies (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
skies (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
skies (label b):
skies (label b):
The Chess-Board
skies (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
skies (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
skies (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
skies (label e):
The Reigning Vice. Book VII
skies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
skies (label n1):
skies (label u):
A Lark’s Flight
skies (label v):
St. Stephen’s
skies (label w):
The Two Margarets. I.—Margaret by the Mere Side
supplies (label c1):
The Novel—A Satire
surprise (label b):
surprise (label g):
The Devil’s Last Walk
surprise (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
surprise (label k):
A Comforter
surprise (label n1):
sympathies (label a):
Sorrows and Joys
tendencies (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
ties (label c1):
The Reigning Vice. Book VIII
ties (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
tries (label j):
The Reigning Vice. Book VI
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
tries (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
vanities (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
wise (label b):
The Chess-Board
wise (label b):
The Chess-Board
wise (label b):
Two Little Books
wise (label b):
Two Little Books
wise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
wise (label d1):
The Implicit Promise of Immortality. A Poem
wise (label f):
Little Children
wise (label f):
Little Children
wise (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
wise (label j):
Ammergau: An Idyll
wise (label k):
A Comforter
wise (label k):
A Comforter
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label k):
The Reigning Vice. Book V
wise (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
wise (label o):
Vanitas Vanitatum
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest
wise (label u):
The Ballad of the King’s Jest