The Secrets of the Heart.

Guess, what counted pebbles lie1
In the rushing river ;2
Guess, upon how many buds3
May’s first sunbeams quiver ;4
Guess, what words the nightingale5
Sings in woods apart.6
’Twere easier than divining them,7
The secrets of the heart.8
Why, at careless word or phrase,9
Eyes may flash or fill ;10
Why, a lily or a rose11
Seem a sign of ill ;12
Why, at some familiar name,13
Sudden shrink or start ;14
Do not try to fathom them,15
The secrets of the heart.16
Why a merry tune may bring17
Hidden weeping after ;18
Why a mournful air may make19
Plea for happy laughter ;20
Why one common day may be21
Sadly held apart,22
And another kept a feast,23
By the secret heart.24
Why some paths untrodden still25
By the wandering feet ;26
Why a strange enchantment hangs27
Round some woodland seat ;28
Why some book unopened lies ;29
Why some favourite art,30
Left neglected, owns the sway31
Of the secret heart.32
All these little marvels lie33
Hallowed from the touch :34
Do not press upon their source,35
Eager over much.36
Girl from lover, friend from friend,37
Something holds apart ;38
Child from parent sacred keeps39
The secrets of the heart.40
Look on them as holy things,41
Turn the gaze away.42
Strive not thou to force the clue43
To the glare of day.44
Glad, and frank, and bold, and proud45
Howsoe’er thou art,46
One day thou, too, thou shalt know47
The secrets of the heart.48