Minerva’s Boon.

They stood by their mother’s chariot, the
young and fair,1
young and fair,1
With the laurel wreath, the athlete’s prize, set on
their clustering hair ;2
their clustering hair ;2
They stood by their mother’s chariot, as proud and
calm she came,3
calm she came,3
To pay her vows at Heré’s shrine, the stately Spar-
tan dame.4
tan dame.4
No oxen yoked to draw her ! Must she fain at
home abide ?5
home abide ?5
Out laughed each stalwart hero, as he stood on
either side ;6
either side ;6
And for forty measured furlongs of the winding
mountain road,7
mountain road,7
Young Cleobis and Bito drew on their honoured
Loud shouted all the multitude, as in her tearful
The mother from her chariot smiled on each bright
glowing boy ;10
glowing boy ;10
As on to Heré’s altar in her matron pride she
Mid waving flags, and chanted song, and ringing
trumpet blast.12
trumpet blast.12
And kneeling at the shrine, ablaze with many a
glittering gem,13
glittering gem,13
“ Look on my sons,” the mother prayed, “ great
goddess, give to them14
goddess, give to them14
The boon, the best and brightest that in omniscient
To his mortals, at his daughter’s word, comes from
immortal Jove.”16
immortal Jove.”16
And, legend says, great Heré looked down with her
large, clear eyes,17
large, clear eyes,17
And listened to the mother’s prayer, and took her
sacrifice ;18
sacrifice ;18
And when the solemn festival had passed in song
Asleep beside her altar steps the fresh-crowned
athletes lay.20
athletes lay.20

Asleep ; while on each fair, proud face the moon-
beams, stealing down,21
beams, stealing down,21
Touched softly either young red mouth, touched
soft each laurel crown ;22
soft each laurel crown ;22
While the mother knelt beside them, and checked
her sobbing breath,23
her sobbing breath,23
For Jove, in quiet sleep, had sent his choicest bles-
In the Temple raised in Delphos two honoured
statues stand,25
statues stand,25
For the story of the granted boon flew through the
startled land ;26
startled land ;26
And Cleobis and Bito smile through the ages there,27
From sorrow, sin, and failure saved by the mother’s